Could you suggest me any cheap French universities which are ranked top 200 in QS


  • international student
  • Type of high school : BoHai University
  • Gender: Female
  • Other special factors : none

*Intended Major : French

*GPA, Rank, and Test Scores

  • Class Rank: 1st

Paging …

Are you currently in high school or in higher education ?

Do you want to study France in French or specifically French literature?

What’s your current level in the language (TEF or EuropeanFramework)?

France has different types of colleges:

  • prepa - highly selective, all in French, very intensive (“we do encourage you to take 2 hours for physical activity or a hobby each week” is an official recommendation -every hour not spent sleeping is supposed to be dedicated to your studies), 3 main tracks (literature/social science/STEM) - leads to national competitive exams but everyone who survives the 2-3 years has a spot in a prestigious “grande ecole”
  • IUT -all in French, very selective, some workshops/labs, smaller classes. Most are in STEM. Business and Communication possible too. Internships every year.
  • BTS - all in French, selective to very selective, pre professional (management, international business, engineering technology, sound production…) but supportive, 2 years followed by 1 year of specialization, roughly 50% lectures in small-ish classes, 50% workshops, 2-3 internships.
    ^ all 3 are entirely tuition-free.
  • Université : they mostly offer single subject programs (usually non selective though there’s a lot of attrition). They also offer joint programs (usually highly selective) or Honors-type programs mostly in STEM (CMI). €180 tuition
  • Ecole postbac: charge a fee, usually sliding scale costs. Expect 8-18k a year.
    Sciences Po has programs in French&English and welcome internationals; 3 campus focus : Middle East, North America, Asia.
    Lots of business and engineering colleges.

What would be of interest?

Most students with academic ability choose either prepa or IUT before joining the “ranked” programs (the university ranked QS200 is typically known for its Master’s) unless they get into an Ecole postbac or a joint subjegt licence.

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