IT WILL BE OUT Tommorrow at 6pm Eastern. Well I am from the west so at 3pm right after school.
I will be seeing it at my school's computer!!!
OMG! I want to die now</p>
<p>Goood luckkkkkkk!</p>
<p>I’m freaking out right now. </p>
<p>I really wish I didn’t have to wait until 6. That is torture. What will I do with myself after I get home from school at 2:00???</p>
<p>hahaha i totally remember feeling the same way!!! good luck!! the time actually goes by kind of fast…make sure you join the gw class of 2013 facebook group if you get accepted!</p>
<p>I’m on central time so I’ll be waiting until 5!!! I’m the Editor in Chief of the school paper and we’re on deadline tomorrow night. Instead of helping the staff im going to be clicking the refresh button like a mad man. GOOD LUCK TO ALL OTHER APPLICANTS!</p>
<p>haha good thing to see some other EDII applicants here sweating their pants off lol.
ANyways. did anyone got asked to send in mid-year reports?</p>
<p>They posted.</p>
<p>I was denied. =(</p>
<p>aw i’m sorry! just remember, everything happens for a reason!!!</p>
<p>I was offered admission!!!</p>
<p>I just got in EDII!!</p>
<p>wooooooooooooot i got in tooooooo
<p>Here are my stats if it will help anyone…</p>
<p>I just got in EDII to the Elliot School
GPA: 3.79UW, 3.91W (only weight AP’s)
ACT: 30
Class rank: top 38%
Small (650 students) highly-selective school
I play a varsity sport and I’ve talked to a coach but I’m not getting recruited
I have leadership through the school
I am a sectional leader in a small instrumental group
I have an extensive amount of service in my community
Leadership/ Service award (1/6 girls in the state)
I have an upward grade trend (if that helps…?)
I visited, had an interview, and went to an admissions meeting that the admissions director had at my school</p>
<p>I think my recs were really good and I thought i had a really strong why GW essay. Just keep in mind, it’s a lot harder to get in RD than EDII… But i think they will take people with slightly lower stats if they have a really great why GW essay and express a strong interest. Good luck to everyone applying RD, and to everyone who didn’t get in EDII, I hope you find a school that you’re really happy at.</p>
best day ever.</p>
<p>Congratulations to all that got in! I haven’t posted for a while, but just thought I would take a second to say how happy my daughter is at GW and what a great experience it has been so far. We were going through all this stress last year, and I am glad it is over.</p>
<p>Elliott School! I’m so excited :)</p>