<p>Hey, so I got the email from them yesterday about this program and I've decided to take their offer of putting them on my UC apps. I got rejected to the two UCs I applied to: UCSD and UCI.</p>
<p>After I accepted the offer, I got this information:
This e-mail confirms your request to be considered for admission to UC Merced through the "Count Me In" online process. You have indicated that you will meet the conditions of admission, therefore you have been provisionally admitted to UC Merced. You will be notified of your entering term when we receive your application record in our system. You can expect to receive your e-mail message in early June, on or about June 8th. In the meantime, we encourage you to join us for Bobcat day on Saturday April 13. Register online for this exciting event at Bobcat</a> Day | Admissions. Save this e-mail and reference the information below should you have any questions:</p>
<p>Are my chances of getting in like 99% since they put me in this program? What does "provisionally admitted" mean? For this school, I put my major as psychology. Is their psychology program good? How is it? I researched and saw their graduate school is ranked 145.</p>
<p>The other schools I got into are California State Long Beach, and University of the Pacific. I put my major for UOP, and it was also psychology. UOP is nationally recognized, but I kind of like how UCM has apparently the lowest amount of people for UCs, and it can become a top UC in the future. I kind of doubt it, though, seeing as how UCR is still so bad. But, anyway, any input would be appreciated. If I want to go to UOP, I have till May 1st, so fast replies would be great.</p>
A huge downside to UOP is basically the money. If I go there, I'll have more than 90k debt (borrow 21k from loans per year). On the other hand, I could hopefully get a job and pay it off immediately when I graduate? What do you guys think of student loans or should I find a better section to ask this question of mine?</p>
<p>U o Pacific is a great school but do not take on that much debt! If you must take loans, don’t go over 20K total. That is reasonable and manageable for you to pay off</p>
<p>Provisionally admitted is what they say to everyone. It means that the school verifies your final transcript. Just like all schools do </p>
<p>You should apply and see what financial aid you can get there.</p>
<p>Hi! I’m on the same boat… Rejected from UCI and UCSD. I got into UOP and received the Count Me In offer from Merced…</p>
<p>So far from what I have heard: Merced is an overall better value (1/2 the price of UOP). Also, the UC environment is a lot different and may be more diverse. I really think I will go to UCM.</p>
<p>Also, provisionally admitted means you have been admitted as long as the terms you agreed to are correct (ex: I took the SAT, my initial UC application is correct, etc).</p>
<p>@ crizello
I see. Thank you for the advice! I have indeed accepted the offer, so I can see how much financial aid I would get. :)</p>
<p>@ Collegelyfee
Dang, we have a lot in common! I’m leaning towards UCM too, because of the debt I would gain. I found out that the debt is actually about 55k and not 90k, but since I’m planning to go to graduate school it will most likely exceed 100k. We’ll see after my college visits, though! Have you visited either schools yet? Also, are you a male or female? I’ll be dorming at either school, and I need to know my roommate instead of a random one. Hehe.</p>
<p>I highly recommend if you have grad school aspirations to keep the amount of loans to a minimum! 100k+ in student loans is no joke; that’s what professional degree seeking students acquire upon graduation… ie, JDs, MBAs, MDs. </p>
<p>Taking on 55k+ loans as an undergrad is way too much. Repayment for Stafford Loans starts 6-months after you graduate, drop below half-time, or withdraw; interest accrues on unsubsidized loans while your still a student; and private Loans may have different repayment rules. And school loan payments are set so the balance is paid of in 10 years. You’re looking at approx $700 per month just for your undergrad loans.</p>
<p>The average starting salary for undergrads is not as much as you’d think. </p>
<p>If you plan on going to grad school, obtain and maintain a high GPA, do well on the GRE/LSAT/GMAT/MCATs or whatever, and acquire some internships in your field of inerest. Grad schools select students on those factors. Not if you went to UCLA, UCD, or UCM.</p>
<p>Thank you for your input! I will be sure to remember these factors as I choose what school to commit to. The more I’m considering UCM, the more appealing it is to me than UOP. When I graduate from UCM, my debt would be 8k I think. I want to make the most of my experience in my undergrad years as well as grad years! I wouldn’t want to be swamped in debt, but we’ll see depending on the feel from my visit this Saturday to both schools. :)</p>
<p>I’ll sure try to excel and be involved with both schools. Thanks again!</p>
<p>Hi! I have visited UOP. Beautiful campus but it’s pretty old and the dorms aren’t too nice. </p>
<p>I am visiting Bobcat Day tomorrow at UCM! And I am a female.</p>
<p>BTW, I am appealing my UCI decision. You should try the same. What are your grades/extracurriculars like?</p>
<p>Hey Collegelyfee,</p>
<p>Here’s a little about me (copied and pasted from another thread): “Yes, those were my SAT scores. Pretty bad I know, I do agree that I am lucky that I got into a UC. I should have worked harder for the SATs, but alas that’s the truth. I think what also happened me with getting into a UC is due to my extracurriculars (MUN, Key Club, golf, NAHS, SADD, FCA, NHS and some other ECs I don’t remember), gpa, top 9% and maybe even my personal essays.”</p>
<p>UNW GPA: 3.7
W GPA (not U.C. style): 4.1~4.2</p>
<p>I am NOT going to appeal to UCI. I don’t really want to commute, and UCI is 10mins away from my home. I want to dorm and get my independence. I’d like to become more responsible as well, if I stay home I know that I’ll just take advantage of my parents!</p>
<p>I share your thoughts too about the campus being nice; I didn’t get to take a peek into the dorms, but it seemed decent. I didn’t like my stay in Stockton at all. I like what Christina, the assistance director there, talked about though. I like the hands-on experience, karaoke night, free movie theater and their new program M.O.V.E. They also seemed to have a lot of cool clubs!</p>
<p>I came to U.C. Merced late due to visiting UOP. I have to say; I actually like what the campus looked like. I didn’t know what to expect, and everything is new too. I like how there is little competition so far as it is smaller compared to all the other UCs. The price/ affordability is pretty much what is making me sway to UCM as well as the fact it will be like a private school experience too. Nothing can pretty much distract you; studying will be easy! :)</p>
<p>I am a girl too. What is your ethnicity and interests?</p>
<p>Yes, UCM> UOP for sure. </p>
<p>As for UCI, it’s nice for me because I’m from the Bay Area.</p>
<p>I’m Iranian American. Most likely pol sci major.
I’m a dancer and very involved in leadership/asb. How about you?</p>
<p>Mmmm, I see. No wonder UCI seems so interesting.</p>
<p>I’m Asian American, but to be more specific as to what kind of Asian I am then I am Vietnamese. </p>
<p>I will be majoring in psychology.</p>
<p>It seems we might be opposites.
I’m active in community service things i.e. SADD club and KEY club. I’m not very active in school life i.e. dances, but I plan to be when I go to UCM!</p>
<p>If you have a facebook, join the UCM class of 2017. I’ll be posting more information about myself, so I can have a roommate.</p>
<p>What about CSULB? I think it’s stronger overall than UCM and probably offers a better college experience. I’m guessing it is also more affordable than UCM and UOP? Sounds like the best option to me.</p>