Couple questions about college..

<p>My first question is: I want to get an interview for American and GWU. How do I sign up for an interview? Do I have to apply first, or what? I already tried emailing but they did not really answer my question.</p>

<p>Second question: What private universities give out lots of scholarships, aid, grants, etc.. I'm not talking about any Ivy Leagues.</p>

<p>1.) See on their websites if they offer alumni and/or on-campus interviews. The former option generally needs to wait until after you apply.</p>

<p>2.) There’s a stickied thread on the parents forum of schools that give good merit aid - you might want to check that out.</p>

<li><p>Well for the colleges I’m looking at, I have to do a pre-app before doing an interview. I did the pre-app and it still wont let me do an interview. The pre-app was just asking where I lived, what ethnicity I am, etc…</p></li>