Course Recommendations are up! (At least for me it is)

<p>Yeah, so my course recommendations are up now. You can view yours by going to the page where you signed up for orientation, click the "my enrollment" tab, and "course recommendations" option. I don't know if it's the same for everyone else, but this is for ERC.</p>

<p>Sixth's form for academic information was due just yesterday, so this is probably just specific for your college.</p>

<p>Warren's has been rolling. HoboKnifeFight got hers practically a week ago. I got mine 2 days ago. Its all varied for Warren, it seems.</p>

<p>my course rec for erc has been up for like almost two weeks now...O_o</p>

<p>Does anyone know if it takes a couple days for the Chemisty placement to show up on the website? I did not take it until yesterday, but on the MyOnlinePlacement thingy it says "Take Chemistry Placement Exam
Re-do RE Natural Science Placement"</p>

<p>mines are up too</p>

<p>RDW: where is this MyOnlinePlacement thingie? Is it on your college orientation website?(I'm in Sixth and I dont have it.)</p>

<p>I guess Muir's is not up yet?</p>

<p>i cant find the "my enrollment" tab =|</p>

<p>wait... just kidding.</p>

<p>cooladu: oh geez. It took me forever to find it. Actually, it takes me forever to find anything on the website (I'm in Revelle). I came across it on the MyOnlinePlacement thing. I think I only found that because they sent me a letter by normal mail which had the website to go to to register for orientation. Until I was smart enough to bookmark the link I had to go rummaging around through the history on my computers.</p>

<p>Ok,so do any of the "sixers" have the MyOnline Placement tab or does that just not exist on the Sixth New Student Gateway website?</p>

<p>I think you can access it through the MyApplication tritonlink thingy, in a round about way.</p>

<p>any tmc kids have it up yet?</p>

<p>for revellians, i just got an email today saying that I needed to do myonlineplacement, when I did it about a week ago. did any revelle ppl get their course recomendations yet? b/c in the email link they said we should get it on Aug. 14, but on the new-student website they said Aug. 8, but at orientation they said a week after myonlineplacement. </p>

<p>thanks!!! sorry for the confusion. i'm a cc newbie</p>