Covid vaccines roll outs in your state or location

Here’s a recent article that sites some specific numbers of HCWs choosing not to be vaccinated: Vaccine rollout hits snag as health workers balk at shots

And a Forbes one with additional links: Large Numbers Of Health Care And Frontline Workers Are Refusing Covid-19 Vaccine

I am not in the age category of risk, I am healthy, work out daily (love my Peloton) and Covid has been a misery for me for three weeks now. Fortunately I haven’t had serious complications (like low oxygen or serious lung issues) but I’m now on steroids for sinus and ear issues. I’ve learned that many people’s opinions are based on personal experience. If they’ve never gotten it or know anyone who has had problems to them it’s overblown. I have seen this even in my own family and it’s pointless to try to change their minds.

I think some states have an effective plan by limiting the priority time for each subgroup-get the vaccine when your group number comes up, or move to the back of the line so those that want it can get it instead.

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@hopedaisy I certainly hope you succeed in full recovery and soon. And exactly your point for yourself, many healthy people still suffer.

Your urgent care DOC is not the average Joe on the street - even her clinic has to be full of the sick and scared - and it would seem she seems to be blowing off the illness. Again, nearly 400,000 people in her country alone that her colleagues couldn’t save.

Have to wonder if how quickly states reach general COVID-19 vaccine availability depends on the rate of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy, based on the state demographics. For example, demographics suggest that AL, MS, and SC will have high rates of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy, so that people in those states who want the vaccine may end up finding it available more quickly than if they were in some other state. On the other hand, people lower on the priority list in HI may wait longer since there is likely to be lower COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy there.

Surveys on COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy:

Thank you! I hope I can shake this last bad symptom of Covid soon. The worst part is not knowing when I will get better. With a cold or regular flu you can usually gauge that but you just know know with Covid.

I was taken aback by a headline in today’s paper: UCSD to help with vaccine at Petco. I thought, what, they’re going to give vaccines at veterinary clinics?! My husband knew immediately it was Petco Park. :baseball: They’re setting up drive through vaccinations in the tailgate parking lot for health care workers by appointment only


Some states in the SE may have a some hesitancy, but that is no excuse for the west coast to be in the bottom quintile of vax implementation: OR is 40th, CA is 42nd, followed by AZ, NV & ID. (WA is 35th.)

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A high rate of vaccine hesitancy may make it more likely that an individual in a lower priority group will get a chance to get the vaccine sooner, since the higher priority groups will be done more quickly, and there will be less complaining about “unfairness” or “line cutting” (and hence less pressure to add administrative overhead to enforce priority ordering) because vaccine refusers do not want the vaccine anyway.

Texas publishes a map every week of where it distributed the vaccine ( pharmacies, doctors offices, etc) and how many doses were distributed, along with contact information. So people can look up which sites near them have the shots, how many they have, and call for an appointment. It would seem every state should offer this information.


I live in Massachusetts, where some of the best medical centers and research facilities in the world can be found. I asked my doctor, once my “group” comes up for vaccination, if I would be contacted by the practice, or will there be public clinics, etc. He snapped at me, almost yelling, “NOBODY KNOWS, NOBODY KNOWS, NOBODY KNOWS!!!”

I was taken quite aback–he has never lost his temper like that. He must be tired of being asked, and not having an answer.

I think COVID has him overworked and lacking rest. I also sensed frustration over the lack of a coordinated plan. Just saw a report that sparsely populated rural areas are doing the best job right now dispensing vaccine.

I have a friend who runs a big community based hospice program in MA and they were completed left off the initial list of health care providers. She’s really upset that she can’t get her staff protected.

I live in Michigan, I have been conversing with someone who does not live in Michigan but has elderly parents here. Our governor announced last week that they will begin vaccines for those over 65 this coming week.

On my district health department website, they have a very detailed response on vaccine distribution. They are already signing up people on line. There is a sheet to print off to bring in when vaccinated. My 80+ neighbors signed up for a vaccine this week. (Although the HD is receiving less vaccine than promised so some appointments are going to be rescheduled)

On another county health department website, it’s very vague. We aren’t scheduling vaccines right now and don’t know when we will be.

Same state, different counties, very different messages.

It’s so frustrating that things are so different not only from state to state but county to county. There is no reason that the rollout couldn’t be more organized.

My primary physician practitioners sent out an email. They are being designated as a vaccine sight but we have no idea of when we will get the vaccine or how to administer it.

So what do we do? Keep checking the health department? Sign up at our local Walgreens or CVS? Ask our physician?

It’s so incredibly frustrating the lack of information out there.

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People are relying social media to let them when/where to sign up for vaccines. As we all know, there is a lot of misinformation on social media. The idea our government can’t do a better of coordinating this is beyond me.
What I mean by coordination is this…Have a centralized portal where people could sign up for vaccines. The portal would place people in different priority groups. The portal would have information of number of people within each group, where they live, and available vaccines. The federal government would set up the supply chain to make right amount of vaccines is distributed to various locations across the US. People would be notified when it is their turn and direct them to a portal to make an appointment.
Listen, if major retail stores like, Macys, Amazon, Walmart, Costco (the list goes on) could coordinate to have right inventory across the US, why couldn’t we do the same for the vaccine distribution. Those stores do not leave it to local stores to distribute merchandise, they do it centrally, because it is more efficient and effective (they move goods from one region to another based on supply/demand). It is a bit too late now, but all of this infrastructure (technology included) should have been done much earlier now. We knew this was coming. A lot of planning could have been done.


People are desperate. They are relying on social media because at least there, a glimmer of hope exists.

Not disagreeing with anything you posted at all. Agreeing

We’ve had months to plan. We’ve wasted months. As the memes say, can’t we put the people who designed the chick fil a drive in charge

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Personally, I think it would have been better to appoint a retired general as a vaccine czar and let them have complete control. Hopefully they would be old enough they would not care about future job prospects and do it as they believe is the best approach to save as many as possible. I see why distributing equally to the states was an attempt to prevent playing favorites but it is not working very well…

Is there a website that shows the updated amounts of vaccines given vs available by state?

So sorry you’re going through that. I work in a school and earlier this year, I was talking with 2 people both probably at least 15-20 years older than me and anti maskers, believing that covid is just the “flu”. I was horrified. Upon talking further, I learned neither of them knew anyone that had gotten covid. That was all I needed to hear. I think people like that buy into it’s “just the flu” because they have no first hand knowledge of anyone who’s gone through it with a family member or friend and are in denial or believe all these conspiracy theorists when they call it a hoax. For 4+ years I have often wondered how someone can be watching the same tv show as me and take away something completely different than me. Anyway, early on in the pandemic, someone I knew and the spouse died from covid. It really hits home. These people were in their 60’s. My husband is in his 60’s and healthy. These people were not overweight. I’m not sure if they had other issues, but regardless what we were all seeing in NYC and the world was not fake. How anyone can’t see that and how an MD can’t be reading about this in medical journals and being informed through the AMA and other medical organizations is beyond me.

I hope soon your symptoms ease and you are on the road to a full recovery! Keep us posted. Are you able to get vaccinated if your number comes up, or do you have to now wait a certain period of time?

yes, I posted the CDC link, which shows vaccinations by state, up thread.

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If he’s that annoyed with people asking, then perhaps someone should suggest they post it on a sign and put it all over their offices. On the doors, near their name tags etc. Not everyone will pay attention to read it, but it will still sift out some of the people!

Actually, for once I do think it is better to leave it to state control. People have very different views of what the priority should be, which is understandable. States have known since Nov 1 the vaccine was coming. It was approved for use around Dec 15 with delivery starting the next day. By Jan 10, they should have had the machinery in place for mass vaccination, and should not just now be looking to hire innoculators and finding sites for distribution.
The Houston mayor got an unexpected 3600 doses on Friday. He got them all distributed at the baseball stadium the next day. It can be done.

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