Covid vaccines roll outs in your state or location

If you are able, you may want to set up an appt in anticipation of your eligibility.

If your state or area is using VAMS! I believe you can set up your account, and enter your information. That way when you are able to receive the vaccine, that part will be done and you can schedule your appointment.

But your agency or state needs to release that VAMS site to you.

The Maine CDC Director shared this morning that depending on the exact cutoff time you use (Sunday noon or Monday morning), the state had administered 82 to 93% of all doses it had received. Yes, itā€™s a low-population state, but that means they donā€™t have as many resources, either. Their task is also complicated by the fact theyā€™re trying to get doses distributed all over the state, since there have been outbreaks in far-flung, rural areas.


That is awesome. I hope some of the other states reach out to see if there are things they can learn from Maine. The vaccination rate is abysmal in most states.

HHS is supposedly announcing changes today to vaccine distribution, including releasing all of the vaccine doses (Alex Azar says manufacturing is predictable enough to ensure second doses will be there when needed) and recommending states start vaccinating everyone 65+. For this plan to work, states will need to increase their vaccination channels.


@thumper1 Iā€™m in CT, so reading your updates has been really helpful.

My fatherā€™s assisted living in Brooklyn will start vaccinating their residents on Monday!


I have family in NYS, and their doctors office (large corporate type group) has now been approved to give out vaccines. Their answering machine says that the doctorā€™s office will automatically contact their patients by email or their cel phone to tell the patient when they are eligible to receive the vaccine and set up an appointment. Iā€™m assuming that they will probably do a record search for above a certain age, and Iā€™m wondering if they will start with certain of their specialty groups first like endocrinology and pulmonology.

He in the south we have vaccines available for 65 and older

apparently people over 65 from other states have been calling hospitals and such in FL to setup appointments. They have to now make it clear only FL residents only. I would assume those with 2nd homes in FL, who can show an address would also be ok. ?

Thatā€™s terrible! Iā€™m in GA as well and got my first dose on Saturday at Mercedes Benz stadium. I didnā€™t really want to go down there, but it was very organized and there was a lot of social distancing and mask wearing. Iā€™m not feeling confident about getting my second dose on time though. The websites are constantly saying there are no appointments available.

Everyone I spoke to that went to Mercedes Benz said it was so organized and efficient. The only reason we didnā€™t schedule my mother there was due to the walking.

Turns out those that went to the North location today said it ran well. Seems the online registration allowed too many reservations and no one had the sense to have people wait outside or in their cars. Guess they figured it out today as my cousin was expecting trouble, yet she said it was all good.

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This state by state rollout is atrocious, at least for us! Weā€™re in a bit of a dilemma. We live in two states (like those with a Florida home), except ours is due to employment. Our ā€œhomeā€ state (OH) just declared we will be eligible starting early February due to age ā€“ but weā€™re currently in WA until May. WA placed us in a far lower category, and our turn likely wonā€™t start until May at the earliest - when weā€™re back in OH. EXCEPT the OH governor basically said sign up when you can, or you might be placed far down the list. SIGH. So we fly back to OH for a month (and hope the second dose is available at 1 month) ? That defeats the purpose (flying in general defeats the purpose, let alone adds significant risk to us). What an absolute mess!


So happy to hear the announcement this morning that the Trump administration is essentially adopting the planned Biden response to the vaccine rollout immediately. Sounds like nothing but good news. All states will also move to a 65 and older for getting the vaccine and underlying conditions. Also, more federal help in mass vaccinations sites, such as Disneyland, and other stadium like sites. This is great news.

Here, I know teachers in some school districts that have appointments in the next 2 weeks for the vaccine. More good news.

Today, I received an email from the local public health department with a ā€œRequest for COVID 19 Vaccine Phase 2ā€ form to fill out. (I had signed up for information from the local public health department.) The form asked for my name, phone number, email, date of birth, occupation, employer, and any comorbidity. Iā€™m in Nantucket, Massachusetts, which currently has one of the highest positivity rates in the state. Hope that means H and I can get the test in February. (Both over 65.)


A lot of Mainers are in the same boat. So many people from here live in Florida during the winter.

You donā€™t need to get the 2 shots in the same state. The second Moderna shot can not be injected within 28 days, but can be up to 12 weeks after, receiving the first shot.

I just got an email from my place of work with an email address to contact to set up my appointment. My healthcare provider is only offering shots to those in my tier that are 75 or older.

I am jealous of everyone who can login to a website and book their appointment!


My whole family received emails today from our county. Mine was the only one saying Iā€™m in group 1b and that theyā€™re still in 1a but I will get contacted as soon as they move to 1b. My husband and 3 of my kids email was more generic saying they may be a part of groups 1c, 2 or 3 and will be contacted further down the line when their group comes up.

Iā€™m in education and my county is making educators a priority in the next group because most of our schools have been remote all year and itā€™s important to get them up and running.

New Jersey opened the vaccine to those 65 and older today. So happy! I was able to get an appointment for the end of January

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