Covid vaccines roll outs in your state or location

My daughter brought up an interesting point about the vaccine rollout. Suppose you are in the top group 1a (health care worker on the front line). A month ago your employer offered you the vaccine and you declined (lots of these people did for whatever reason). Now it is a month later and you decide you want the shot. Will this mess things up - will your employer still be able to accommodate you - do you need to get to the back of the line or will you take the place of a 1b person now?

I suggest for those with health conditions that make you eligible to get the shot that you contact your doctor’s office. My husband’s oncologist is taking care of him (he did not go through the state website or providers).

Is NY asking for proof of residency when it administers shots? Or keeping track of how many out of state residents it has inoculated? It would seem prudent and easy to do so if it wants more vaccine.

Around here, they are telling people whose primary care physicians are in one of the large medical groups to get the vaccine through their large medical groups (some of which are starting to offer it to 75+ or 65+ age people). Other distribution routes would be for those whose primary care physicians are not in one of the large medical groups, or who are generally unconnected with the health care system.

IDK, probably. I just heard that stat on the local NY1 station.

I don’t think any random NJ resident can come in and get a shot but if they work for the MTA, they will get it there out of the NY stash. Hopefully they are lobbying for a larger allocation quickly.

But that’s just it - does it matter if you are 1A or 1B if 1A is so small they go right to 1B?

My brother is an EMT at a ski resort. He got his in late December. He lives in a more rural area (with a hospital and at least one long term health facility) so the allotment for that area had enough to do some of the 1Bs with the 1A group. I think the line between 1A and 1B was very fuzzy. Now the 1B group is growing and growing because they keep adding people to the 1B group who were in 2A or lower; at first it was 70+ and now it is 65+.

I think ALL those listed in 1B but who provide first line care (dentists, EMS, firefighters) should have been in 1A anyway. They don’t have the option of working remotely and can’t just stay home.

My friend told me she signed up her family which is her husband (age 71, group 1B), her son (Down Syndrome and lots of other factors, age 29 and group 1C) and herself (age 64, very healthy, some lower group) and they will be notified when it is their turn. She’s not planning on hearing anything until March.

Many jobs working for NYC require NYC residency (very hard to get exempted from that). So most NYC employees who are eligible are most likely residents. However, many health care workers will be commuters from NJ or CT.

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Absolutely agree. Now what is happening in my state (and many?) is that 65 and up PLUS anyone w/a medical condition is now in group 1B. It will be chaos. The having a medical condition will be on the honor system. It won’t work.

All the large vaccination venues in LA County are closed today. Really? COVID doesn’t take a holiday. Vaccinations should be given seven days a week 12 hours a day. Is it a crisis or not?


At least one large county in CO has closed their vaccine sites today for the holiday and also announced they will be closed on Wed due to safety concerns related to the inauguration.

Also, CO will not require any ID to get a vaccine, and locations that try to require one could lose access to vaccines. The rationale is the state doesn’t want non-citizens, the homeless, etc., to not have access.

I signed up in NY on Saturday morning (I tried on Friday but the website was crashed all day). The earliest appointment I could get is for April 5th and I have to drive 60 miles out to Stonybrook on Long Island to get it. I am 1B through my job and my confirmation email said that I have to bring proof of my occupation and proof of my identity. It says proof of occupation can include work ID, a pay stub , or letter from my employer. I will bring my work ID (I work for the state). It also says that you have to bring proof of identity which includes any identification issued by NYS or the Feds. I will bring my NYS driver’s license. It does not specifically say that you have to bring proof of NYS residency. I don’t know what would happen if, for example, a teacher who resides in NJ but works in NYS tried to get a vaccine at a NY vaccination center.

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Scheduled to receive the vaccine this week as part of Phase 1B. According to my doctor, Colorado’s approval process for becoming a vaccination site is burdensome thus deterring many healthcare providers from even applying. Fewer doctors administering the vaccine translates to fewer people receiving the vaccine. Meanwhile, county health departments are receiving the vaccine and distributing it however they see fit. They are, in my doctor’s words, “cherry picking” and giving the vaccine to healthcare providers they like. My doctor is well liked and has plenty of vaccine to give, but the favoritism is outrageous.


Hi Googie31, as far as I can figure out, if your aunt is not in a long-term care or assisted living facility, she’s not eligible until the next phase. Massachusetts will make it clear how she can get it once she’s eligible.

Thank you so much for this info. That is what I have been able to come up with as well. When compared to other states MA seems so laissez-faire which really surprised me as it strikes me as somewhat out of character.

You would think that EMTs and firefighters would be higher in priority, due to having to work with unscreened (for COVID-19) patients. Only those working with known COVID-19 patients would be at higher risk of exposure. Dentists and dental hygienists also have higher risk of exposure due to patients not being able to wear masks.

When I’m King, I’m going to re-prioritize and all first responders are going first. Many hospital people who work in administration have contact every day (all the check in people, all those doing paperwork in the lobbies)

Then come the grocery store workers. Not just any, but those at the Kroger by my house. THAT place is a zoo and the produce dept is dangerous.


One lot of Moderna vaccine is possibly implicated in allergic reactions. California is calling for a pause in the use of that lot.

That lot is about 1/10 of the vaccine supply in the state, or about 330,000 doses.

Oh joy, those potentially bad vaccines were being given at the site I’ll be referred to when my time comes. Which apparently will be further off now. I wonder if they will find some cause other than the vaccines themselves since that was the only cluster.

one batch of Moderna vaccines apparently linked to severe allergic reactions in six health care workers who received shots at a mass vaccination site at Petco Park

Good news here. Everybody in my father’s assisted living (NYC) who could get it (no allergies etc.) got their first does yesterday (including workers) and are scheduled for their second one on 2/8.



MLK is a LA County and LA City holiday.

btw: the largest vax spot in Orange, County, the Disney vaccine Pod, is closed today (Tues) due to expected high winds. No word on closure for Wed when high winds are also forecast. (Disney had setup tents in their parking lots.)

My 88 y/o mother lives independently in Western NY. I have been trying since last Friday to get her an appointment within 60 miles of her home with no success. Neither her PCP or her cardiologist have vaccine, the pharmacies that are supposed to be vaccination sites have no appointments because they have no vaccine (will not schedule people unless they know they will have vaccine available) and the large state-run site at the university is taking no more appointments. I registered her with the county and was told they are not taking appointments until they have vaccine for the clinics they planned to open. Last week, all of WNY got 1,700 doses for all of groups 1a and 1b. My sister finally got her on two waitlists at small, locally owned pharmacies. The entire state is getting 250,000 doses this week - the math just doesn’t work when there are 7,000,000 statewide in the eligible groups.

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