Covid vaccines roll outs in your state or location

I Liked the idea of age ranges because it seems easier to understand than the current system.

I think that all are deserving of getting vaccinated. I’m not complaining of who is getting priority. I’d just like an easier to understand system.

And I’ll be patiently waiting for my turn, wearing my mask, socially distanced and washing my hands. My mom and my in laws have all had their first doses, for which I am grateful for.

I edited, I didn’t need to tag UCB although I appreciate his views on this topic

looks like all is getting better in Israel wrt Covid


@deb922 YES!

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I get my vaccine tomorrow! For anyone that has had it:

  1. Did you take tylenol or advil ahead of time? If so, did it help?

  2. If you had arm soreness, how long did it last?

We talked about this recently I one of the two Covid threads - general consensus and recommendations is NOT to take anything prior to the shot and don’t take anything after unless you’re needing some relief - Tylenol is recommended over Advil or aspirin

My arm soreness didn’t start until several hours after the shot and was gone by 24 hours post shot - nothing terrible for me

For my first shot, same as @abasket

I was advised not to proactively take anything. I also had sensitivity at the injection site but it was fine by the next morning.

YMMV so I would suggest clearing your calendar for 24 hours just in case. But that’s my opinion

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@MaineLonghorn I find it interesting what she says about the VAMS system. My state is using it and it was incredibly easy to register my mother and schedule her first, and subsequently second, vaccine. I’m not sure how many states are using VAMS but it would be interesting to see for the states that are, how their vaccine rollouts are going.

Agree. According to @thumper1, my state (CT) is using VAMS, and we seem to be doing quite well with vaccine rollouts.

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@taverngirl some places in CT are using VAMS. Some are not. Hartford Healthcare has its set up through their My Chart accounts. There is also a state website being used.

It would sure be nice if they had a consistent way to do this state wide.

@MaineLonghorn VAMS was actually very easy for me to use to set up my appointments (:crossed_fingers:the second one happens as scheduled). I think the issue is that your state wants something where folks can sign up and create an account which includes eligibility criteria. Then the state can contact those in the eligible groups to schedule appointments. That can’t be done with how VAMS is set up. But it doesn’t mean VAMS is bad…it’s not bad for what it does.

It would be great if statewide the same platform was used, and did include eligibility criteria, including age, so that when folks became eligible, they would receive an email or text or call.

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The MaineHealth system took our information, including age. If you are under 65, they ask if you have any health issues. They also ask if you are an essential worker under CDC guidelines. So at least my husband and I are on SOME list.


My mother (83) and my step-dad (75) have been struggling to get the vaccine (Orange County, California). They signed up on the website which says they are “in the waiting room” and will email when it is their turn. My step-dad is being treated for esophageal cancer (in the last year he has had chemo/radiation, surgery, then more chemo. He gets regular endoscopies to stretch out the new esophagus. He was getting the orders for his covid test prior to his endoscopy this week and mentioned to the doctor’s office that he was frustrated trying to get his vaccine, and the nurse did something and within minutes he had his choice of appointments and locations the same day. No luck yet for my mom though.


It’s impossible to get an appointment in NY, and last week my appointment was canceled with no idea when they will call back. NJ isn’t great, but it seems a little better than NY and some of my friends are getting their first vaccine in the coming weeks.

Got mine today. In California there are lots of appointments in Santa Clara if you’re willing to drive up there.

If anyone here is in Western NY, I noticed that the Wegman’s scheduler was available again this afternoon abut 1pm (I was able to get an appointment for my mom about this time last week) - I wonder if that’s when they are notified of the amount of vaccine they are receiving each week. FWIW, when I checked again just now, it said no appointments were available in NY. They are only offering it in limited Wegmans west and south of Syracuse, and only for those over 65. It’s clearly a timing thing - logging in at the right time seems to be the only way to get an appointment.

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Do we need to take an appointment? Which hospital is it?

Oh as I re-read my sentence I should have clarified I got mine in Illinois, but as far as Santa Clara if you meet the requirements over 65 of Health Care worker, try this link Home - Santa Clara County Vaccine Eligibility and Scheduling

County Fairgrounds look like they have appointments.

That link says that you have to be one of:

  • “healthcare personnel who live or work in Santa Clara County; or”
  • “individuals aged 65 or above who live in Santa Clara County; or”
  • “individuals aged 65 or above who receive their primary care from Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Hospitals and Clinics.”

It also says that “If you are a patient of Kaiser or Palo Alto Medical Foundation you must schedule your vaccine appointment through their system.” (Kaiser and PAMF are two large multispecialty medical groups.)

I got an appointment for my dad who is in their system. Unfortunately my mom goes to a different doctor and I am trying to find a place to get her vaccinated

I know this is off topic, but it shows that we should be thankful we live in the US and not Lebanon. The country is receiving its FIRST 50,000 doses of the vaccine on February 8. They will be receiving six million doses of the vaccine. Since they have six million people in the country, they still need to find more, I would think. At least it looks as if the country and the World Bank will cover the costs for citizens, most of whom are already on the brink of economic disaster. Lebanon getting first doses of vaccine

My son says they are in strict lockdown. The only reason he is staying in the country is for his girlfriend. I’m thankful they both got COVID already, so they will have some immunity for a little while.


Not just Lebanon. WHO is sounding the alarm on the inequity in vaccine distribution. How 'vaccine nationalism' could prolong the Covid-19 pandemic