Covid vaccines roll outs in your state or location

VA seems to be doing much better giving out shots. Their average daily count is almost 40,000 per day. However, their communication is terrible. If you can’t get one through your employer or someone high up in the food chain, it seems you’re out of luck. We did get our first text from the pre-registration website that said they would be implementing a state wide system soon and we might need to re-register. We won’t need to now since we have set through our employers, but trying to figure out the system for my 86&81 year old inlaws is a nightmare. They are registered in the system, but I’ve yet to hear of anyone being contacted through the system for an appointment. The only clinics have been publicized after they are full. That being said, apparently they had a large clinic yesterday at an AA church for the AA community. I have no problem with that. I just wish they would tell us more about what’s going on. There’s just nothing

We have seen articles saying our local cvs stores would be getting them feb 11th, but the stores say they haven’t heard anything. Researching more it seems you can sign up feb 9th but those articles don’t list our area stores as being served. So what’s the deal there?! Argh!

You need proof of residency here in FL to get vaccine because people flying here was a big problem.

LA County has run out of enough vaccine for first shots. This coming week’s vaccinations will be only for second shots. Who knows what the 
is going on?


Vaccines are still severely supply constrained.

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Is that true for snowbirds who live there for the winter? Or can they show a deed or lease?

A large part of the distribution problem is not the distribution- it is supply.

Also a balance between supply and effectiveness at getting the vaccine in arms fast enough.

It’s a delicate balance.

There are several ways to show proof of residency. Deed and lease are both acceptable.

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Utility bills, bank statements can all be used for proof of residency.

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Just got a text from SIL. My MIL got her first shot, so now I get brownie points for being the one lucky enough to log on when new appointments were uploaded and snagged one for her. Dose 2 has already been scheduled. This was at a pharmacy in her grocery store. From the scheduling app it looks like all of the Safeway/Albertsons/Vons/Kroger etc stores are using the same program.


Took my parents today for their appointments at one of the state (NJ) mega sites. After the whole rigmarole involved with securing the appointments in the first place, I was prepared for a complete cluster.

Pleasantly shocked to report it was anything but.

We arrived 30 minutes early, as we didn’t know what to expect. Seeing there was no line out front, we decided to go in and inquire about the possibility of having my dad vaccinated at the same time as my mom. Their scheduled appointment slots were 90 minutes apart (the best I could manage in the 3 minutes appointment slots were open), so we figured it couldn’t hurt to go in and ask.

Not only could they accommodate that, but they told us just to come in and get the shots then, rather than waiting in the car for 30 minutes. In and out in 25 minutes (including the 15 minute observation period afterwards). So many staff and national guard on hand to assist/answer questions and direct. 2nd appointments scheduled on the way out.

We got back in the car and just breathed the biggest sigh of relief, as we were certain something was going to fall apart and it wasn’t going to happen. My H is scheduled for next Tuesday and the anxiety I had around that has disappeared.


Are you in Illinois? My parents are useless when it comes to checking emails so I set up their appointments myself using my email and then just printed those out for them to take to their appointments. It worked out great. If you’re able to do that for them that may be the most efficient way to get it done. More and more pharmacies are going to be having vaccines available so depending where they live it may be starting to get easier for their age. If they live in an independent care place it should’ve been arranged for them. Depending also what hospital they’re at, their pcp would’ve emailed/contacted them for availability. You may want to contact their physicians office to find out. Northwestern has scheduled patients and others.

CT is opening to folks 65 and older Thursday
but any place with open appointments this week can take that group immediately to fill the appointments.

There are 350,000 in that group in this state.

I am not in Illinois but they are. My Mom finally called their medical group and found out they had been called about getting the vaccine but since they couldn’t be reached they were skipped. I had been nagging my Mom to get their voicemail set up on their new phone for exactly this reason. She just doesn’t seem to understand they people are struggling to get this vaccine and they can’t just pop in somewhere and get it like the flu shot. I have signed them up through their local health department (with my contact info) and keep monitoring local pharmacies, etc. to see if something opens up. When I talk to her today I am going to encourage her to contact her doctor again and make sure someone from that office can confirm that are not somehow listed as not wanting the vaccine since they couldn’t be reached.

In NYS, the next category will open for appointments on 2/14 for appointments starting 2/15. This group includes persons ages 16-64 with lised pre-existing conditions. Although specifics will be left to local health departments, at state-run sites you will need evidence of the conditions. Governor Cuomo Announces New Yorkers with Comorbidities and Underlying Conditions Can Make Appointments at State-Run Mass Vaccination Sites Beginning February 14

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Oh the benefits of living in a place full of old people who are not internet savvy. CVS in our area did get in vaccine and are taking appointments online. I didn’t check until 8am. At first, I thought all were booked since it glitched in the middle. But I tried again 20 min later and was able to get my 86 & 81 y.o. inlaws signed up for both shots within the next week. Different days and it’s about 25 min away, but still. Yay. If I check the area by my parents and older S, you don’t get past the first click saying everything is booked due to high demand.


If any of you are in MA, there are independent developers that have created websites to make it easier to find available slots. I don’t have any links handy but I know the news stations have been providing links on their websites. My husband was looking at it yesterday just to see how it worked and there were still slots available this week at Gillette Stadium. Neither of us are eligible yet, but I think that’s what we will try for when our turns come.

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Just saw a piece on Boston news stating that slots are there for the asking. I would expect that once the next group is called up (75+ and those with 2 or more comorbidities) there will be another crush for appointments.

We live close to Gillette and could go there, though my physicians group announced that they are now vaccinating at our local hospital. We are in that next group and will probably go wherever we can get scheduled in soonest.

Oh wow, that is so frustrating, You may want to see if your parents will give you access to their online portal. My husband has this with his mom so he is able to log in through his own user ID to North Shore University Health and correspond with her Dr’s. My parents have an advocate so we don’t need to have access to theirs, but I was able to sign them up through walmart anyway using my email. Walgreens is a pain because each person needs their own. Mariano’s now has testing available as does Osco and then a lot of other places. Your parents are in 1b. Lake County is only doing teachers as part of 1b right now but Cook County is doing elderly in that group, and all the pharmacies are as well. It is so important to get them a spot. The pharmacies add spots throughout the day now and lately I’ve been hearing that people have been getting luck with Jewel Osco within about 10 mins of trying. But definitely contact their PCP directly to try to get them in.

I live in a small CT town. Just received an email from the town
with phone numbers to schedule appointments. And also, they included the town phone number and will assist folks in getting appointments in our region. I thought that was very nice.