Covid vaccines roll outs in your state or location

I logged on at the start of the waiting room but got 37,000+ place in line. Down to 17,000 with less than 15 slots left. I must have blinked! Congratulations! We will all get one soon but happy you succeeded @me29034!

Since I have now gone from 37k to 17k that means 20k have gotten appointments. In about 90 minutes. Good news.


NYC just opened up a lot of new slots. I think vaccine that didn’t get delivered because of recent storms just arrived.


I waited in the “waiting room” for two and a half hours and just got a message that all slots are gone. I got down as far as 9985th in line with 26 minutes left, down from 37.000th place. It’s fine, I can wait. Was just curious how the system works.

Your place in line is secure.0%

Status last updated: 9:35:26 AM EST

Your estimated wait time is:26 minutes

People in line ahead of you:9985

Expected arrival time on the website:10:02 AMEST

Message last updated: 9:35 AM EST

We’re sorry, all appointments for next week are now filled.

Thank you for your patience. Due to limited vaccine availability, we cannot offer you a COVID-19 vaccine appointment at this time. Massachusetts receives a limited supply of COVID-19 vaccine doses from the federal government each week. Due to high demand and very limited supply, it may take several weeks or longer to schedule your appointment.

We understand this is not what you wanted to hear. We are trying our best to get a vaccine to everyone who wants one. Please check back again at a later time to see if new appointments have been released.

Note: we cannot offer on site, appointments, confirmed appointments will be required for all patients.

CDC recently launched this new tool to help people find vaccines in their area:


It’s really too bad you had to give up the appointment you had earlier this week. You had really lucked out and now are in the mess with everyone else.

As I understand it, there are three entities making appointments for the mass vaccination sites in MA: curative, color and prepmod. Prepmod is doing Fenway, Gillette, and I think the Reggie Lewis Center. Color is only doing Natick, I believe. Curative has the other sites. There were three different queues. From what you wrote, I think you were in the Curative queue. My husband was also around 37,000 when he first got in. We had windows open for all the queues. Natick kept showing appointments but wouldn’t let you actually get them. The Prepmod Gillette scheduling was the one where we actually got in.

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That’s great information @me29034. I originally clicked on Danvers but I think Fenway would be a better line to be in. I didn’t realize there were different lines. I’ll check Prepmod out next time.

Yeah I think I would only get that lucky once. But I feel safer about getting the shot and that is worth something. The hard part is that the dose of polythelene glycol in the shots is much lower than what I ingested in my little stunt/test!

Happy for you and thanks for sharing strategy tips!

ps Out of curiosity I checked and I am way back in line on Prepmod, 128 minute wait. I think they should explain to folks that there are three queues. I really wanted Fenway and was in the wrong queue. Next week I’ll know!

I agree!!

Or that 20k dropped off the computer/phone instead of waiting

The cdc vaccine finder isn’t yet accurate either. DH checked his employer and it shows no vaccine in stock at several locations when he knows they do have vaccine. The appointments are all taken but they do have stock.

The sites are set up to give an email alert with a 10 minute window, so people don’t really have to wait.

I came off the waiting room list and presto, the website had no slots! Doesn’t bother me, I was curious to see what happened.

some CVS’s have availability

In MA CVS’ are all booked all the time.

Same thing for the CVS in NJ -Fully Booked all the time. I had an alert about there being appointments at one, but it was wrong (the national vaccine site somebody posted here also said they had appointments but they didn’t).

Just read that MA assigns you a random place in line. I was one of the first to log on but got 37,000th place. In a weird way that makes me feel better. No need to try to get in seconds ahead of another 10,000 folks!

And if you have a place in line that exceeds the doses left, no point in remaining in the waiting room and getting frustrated!

My kid with type 1 diabetes got an appt. as an educator. Yay!

I can wait. I was so much more concerned about her.


Glad to hear bout your kiddo!


@compmom I don’t care if my appointment is in three months, I just want to get a date! Playing vaccine roulette every Thursday does nothing except generate anxiety.

Booking appts only one week at a time is ludicrous. Does Charlie Baker actually think the feds will cut us off?

Nobody can explain why MA cannot do things like just about every other state does. Family in NH got appointments in April (through a waiting list, what a concept!), but then got a phone call because of a cancellation and got vaccinated last week! And I don’t want to hear that it’s easier in a smaller state–doesn’t less population mean less vaccine available?

MA has some of the best hospitals and universities in the WORLD–yet we cannot figure this out.

I read somewhere that just about all Texans 65 and over have been vaccinated—others can verify or refute this. They may not be able to supply electricity, but they can do vaccine?

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Feeling vaccine envy again. Our best friend in MA called yesterday all excited because he received an e-mail from Beth Israel to schedule his vaccine. The e-mail had a link that was associated with his records in their system and indicated that only the person the e-mail was sent to could use the link to make the appointment. He followed the link, made the appointment, and got a confirmation. Why was he so excited? He has no idea why/how he got the e-mail. He’s a 58-year-old, healthy, free-lance CAD engineer who works from home and has no relationship to any essential worker categories. We’re happy for him, but so envious.

Massachusetts took care of homeless and prison populations, which other states didn’t do. Health care workers and senior living and then 75+. Some states went to 65+ earlier than MA. I kind of think the Gov. is not going to win no matter what he does
 The mass vaccination sites have provided volume and speed, but then local municipalities don’t like them. Hospital systems are being put back in. I think it will work itself out.

The one thing I really don’t like is the companion program, which is being abused. Let 65+ take over that role and take care of homebound folks, but don’t put young healthy companions in the front of the line.

@Choatiemom that appointment was a mistake. Seriously a 58 year old healthy man has no reason to get a vaccine. Are you sure he doesn’t qualify for some reason?

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In PA I am seeing so many stories of people spending hours getting a vaccine appointment. It really reminds me of getting concert tickets years ago. There is something seriously wrong when one needs to spend hours in front of a computer logging into various portals, hoping to hit it right when new appointments drop.

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I mentioned this upthread, but I do have a suggestion if you are in PA and trying to get an appointment. I was able to secure appointments in PA from CA for both of my in laws and my SIL’s brother through the Rite Aid site. I got all 3 appointments over the course of a couple of days of very persistent refreshing on one computer while working on another. All 3 were cancellations and were within a couple of days, so they got their shots quickly. Rite Aid automatically scheduled their second shot.

It takes some commitment, which it shouldn’t, but if you need a shot I think it’s worth it. It becomes so habitual to click through the ten closest locations to check then do a little work then click through again. I hope you are able to get your vaccine soon.

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