Covid vaccines roll outs in your state or location

We were due for our second dose (Moderna) on Sunday, but Petco superstation is closing again through at least Tuesday - no vaccines available. No idea when we’ll be rescheduled. We haven’t officially been notified of the cancellation but it’s on the news and the UCSD web site. Pfizer isn’t an issue and almost all our friends have gotten their second doses. Very disappointing and I’m concerned they won’t get us rescheduled correctly.

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Colorado announced today moving to group 1B.3 on March 5. That’s my group - twice! So they say there are about 1million people in that group, but they don’t know how many were also in a prior group. I’m in twice because they included 60-64 year olds (that’s new) and because it includes 16-64 with 2 health conditions. They estimate 1 million in the group but don’t really know because people could also be in other groups already called - teachers, health care workers, politicians, first responders, etc. They’ve also created yet another group, 1B.4! but I’m not sure who is in that one yet.

We can’t even try to make appointments until next Friday.

I’m actually hoping for the J&J. I’d like to be one and done. However, I think here they might try to direct those to the rural communities and populations that are hard to track for a second vaccination, such as homeless and those in county jails.

For those who have had the vaccine (Moderna), I had my second dose yesterday around 9:45am and other than arm soreness have no side effects. How many of you never had any side effects and for those who did what was the longest period of time before you had any? The pharmacist told me they usually begin within 12-24hrs and last 12-24hrs but I’m almost at the 24 hour period so wondering if I’m in the clear?

Both my brother and ex husband has chills and aches and my parents caregiver had a headache so I keep waiting to get hit with something but of course hoping I’m just lucky if I don’t.

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My mom had moderna and she had no side effects at all from either shot.

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Well, not ALL the time – as with every other place, it’s hot or miss. H and I got back to back time slots for both doses at a CVS. H happened to be checking Wednesday morning and found quite a bit of availability. Clearly we lucked out by being in the right place at the right time – they must have just opened up more time slots. IMO it’s worth it to keep checking.

Yes I just saw a bunch of openings at a few CVS’s today, even as late as 7:30 am! Around here CVS is doing Moderna. They book both appointments at once. In the meantime, Walgreen’s, which had a lot of slots last Friday in some stores, doesn’t have any today. It’s just catch as catch can.

Our CVS shots are Pfizer – 3 weeks between doses.

We had Pfizer 2 weeks ago at 15 minutes apart. The second shot is scheduled in 2 weeks and 2 1/2 hrs between us. I’m afraid to check on the site as to mess with loosing our appointments.

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I’ve known a few people here in that situation - a few hours apart. They both went together and they did them at the same time. This was CVS and the people were elderly (80s).

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Texas is deploying the national guard to go house to house for elderly invalids. They are working with Meals on Wheels to identify people.


When we were 15 minutes apart for the first shot Walgreens did do ours at the same time. I didn’t think about the 2 1/2 hr wait- will ask when we get there. Thanks.

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Sorry about the closure! Annoying. However, if it makes you feel better, DH is an MD/PhD infectious disease specialist, and he thinks a gap of up to six weeks between shots is fine, and may even be better. It does mean you have to be careful for longer, but the response may be even stronger.

The reason they tested the vaccines at 3 and 4 weeks apart was the need to finish the trials asap. If there hadn’t been such a time pressure, they would have studied longer intervals.


Thanks, we are tentatively rescheduled for Thursday and I know we have more leeway than that. It’s just the frustration of visualizing the time when full immunization kicks in and having to extend that. (Our first dose was delayed five days due to heavy rains. Otherwise we would have had our second last week.) And that our friends managed to avoid the delays at Petco and most have had second doses. I try to remember that until a month or so ago, I didn’t expect vaccination until April.

Petco is run by UCSD Health, so there’s the CC connection! They get their shipments separately than the county apparently because they are in more than one county. And they’ve been setting aside some doses for their own staff in categories other than the county uses. It’s been making local headlines.

Now I just have to worry that more Moderna shipments arrive ASAP.

That makes sense! I keep thinking of the Shingrix shots, which have to be 2 - 6 months apart.

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Originally the Shingrix was 2-3 months apart but due to shortage of vaccine supply, they modified the time line to be up to 6 months.

If anyone here needs a Shingrix and is done with their Covid…we found no problem getting that Shingrix just walking into our local small town pharmacy. DH did this a few weeks ago…his first covid shot is this week. Timing was great.

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My sister in Austin is so discouraged. My parents’ vaccination appointments were canceled due to the storm. My sister has tried SO HARD to get them rescheduled, without luck. She feels that younger people are weaseling their way in. Ugh.

Do you know how long to wait to get shingles vaccine after finishing covid vaccine? Spouse and I both need to get shingles one. Been putting it off all year.

I was told to wait at least two weeks after getting my Covid vaccine to get the Shingrix vaccine. I had my first shingles shot at the end of October and was planning to get my second in January, but then had the opportunity to get the first Covid shot in January, so I postponed the second shingles one. I just got my second Covid shot last Monday, so now I’m in the two-week waiting period.

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@Marilyn that sounds so frustrating! Hopefully the doses come in this time and you receive them as planned this week. I’ve been following your posts here because my daughter lives in San Diego. I found out a couple of weeks ago she was going to be eligible soon based on her job - as of today, she is now eligible to get the vaccination. Unfortunately b/w her job and college classes, she has little time to sit around and try to get an appointment. I think she will wait it out until the vaccine supply is better. She has no underlying conditions and so many others who are at greater risk still need the vaccine. Hopefully with J&J approved, vaccine supply will improve quickly.

My parents were all set for their second dose last week but then of course, snow and ice arrived early that morning so their appointment was rescheduled. Thankfully, they did not have to do anything to reschedule. They were just told to come at the same time, 5 days later so they had their second dose earlier this week. With my parents and MIL all completely vaccinated,I can rest a little easy. No one else in my extended family is eligible until the very last group. Hopefully by then appointments will be readily available!

@MaineLonghorn I don’t know if this will work for your parents, but when my daughter went through Family Hospital Systems at Kelly Reeves Athletic Complex, she was told she should get notified about scheduling her second dose. If she didn’t get an email, she should just come back 4 weeks later (she had Moderna) and she would be able to receive her second injection.

I don’t know if that is still the case since the storm, but might be worth looking into, if your parents had Moderna, and want to change a drive.