Covid vaccines roll outs in your state or location

On the portal here that has plenty of appointments, you have to input your birthdate. When they see that you are younger than 60, they kick you out, even though people from 50 to 60 will be eligible as of Tuesday. I’m hoping I can get an appointment just after midnight on Tuesday.


The definition of obese in NJ is so ridiculous. My fit as he can possibly be yoga teacher says he is only a couple of pounds shy of the BMI they use.

If it’s 25 then that’s overweight, not obese. And yes, it’s very easy for muscular guys to make that. My H does and the Ss can if they are in bulk up mode.

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Yesterday, Pinal County, AZ opened vaccine registration to 18 and older.


This is one of the times I hate living in California. I’m so jealous of everyone!


I believe BMI was developed to look at populations, not individuals. Unfortunately, as it is very simple to calculate it is used often for individuals and as stated above, for some folks it is not very reflective of one’s health or being overweight/obese.

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What @ClassicMom98 and @yearstogo said.

Obesity, defined by NJ as a BMI greater than or equal to 30, was one of the early co-morbidities. As of Monday, 3/15, being overweight, with BMI of greater than or equal to 25 became a qualifying co-mormidity. I better not lose those last 5 pounds for a while.


J&J shipped all of the first order of vaccines on March 1st. President Biden ordered more but there may be a delay in when they arrive. Our local news in the Tampa Bay area reported that in this area, J&J vaccines from the first shipment will be gone sometime next week. They did not give a date when the new order will be shipped.


I saw on Facebook that this site at Potomac Mills Mall is giving vaccines to any 18+ resident of VA, DC or MD.


Reserving some vaccine for walk-in patients at a mass vaccination site shifted the demographics of vaccine recipients. Article focuses on racial demographics, but it is quite likely that some of the effect is SES-related, to the extent that existing SES distributions within racial groups differ.


First morning in weeks where I didn’t get up and try to get a vaccine appointment, or try right before bed last night. That feels good!


@calmom your post shows the beauty of CC. My daughter works in Solano county and along with opening up to 50 and up they opened up to a wider list of health qualifications. I was able to direct her and she is getting her first shot today. Thank you! I would not have looked if it wasn’t for your post.


AZ is opening up vaccines for everyone 16 and older starting Wednesday!!


In case folks have not yet discovered this, New York Times made their Covid coverage free.

I have a subscription, so it is hard for me to tell which has been free vs fee. But I have been impressed by all of the data, charts etc.

By-state map

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WaPo is also doing free access for Covid info articles.


Free-for-all competition for scarce vaccine is probably good for the forum demographic relative to the general population.

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Yay, my first vaccination shot will be this Friday. Second on April 16. Fully covered on April 30th. I will go back to church in May. :slight_smile:


Availability here seems to be pretty wide open including several mass vaccination sites that have been jabbing away 24/7 at a rate of 300+/hr, in addition to lower volumes at the community level at just about every pharmacy there is. I checked available slots at the large state run venues this AM and there was availability every day for the 7 days I checked.

I think I read that the overall vaccination rate is 25% and for the 65+ group it’s 70%. So, not bad.

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As of tomorrow (Tuesday, 3/23) the age for vaccine eligibility in NY is 50+ !


NYS college students who are classified as essential in person employees are eligible for the vaccine. And the state is giving them paid time off to go get it.