Covid vaccines roll outs in your state or location

I know people from Michigan who crossed the border (not my family!) into Ohio to get the vaccine.


Thank you!

Colorado goes to everyone 16+ on Friday. My 25 year old nephew who has no qualifying conditions (works from home, healthy) got an appointment for Friday. I really donā€™t know anyone who hasnā€™t been able to get a vaccine within a week of becoming eligible.


My youngest has no qualifying conditions either. I told him about OH, but the 4 hour one way trip is a big turn off. Weā€™re very close to MD, but theyā€™re not open to everyone yet either. They arenā€™t even open for my asthmatic DIL.

Hmm, wondering about DC.

I have one kid in western PA and one in eastern PA. The eastern PA kid, all the surrounding states arenā€™t accepting her age group yet as far as I know. Mostly just New Jersey. I think sheā€™s willing to wait until her group opens up in PA or NJ. But the western PA kid is very close to OH.

I sent him the information, I hope he does something about it. This one is stubborn lol!

So here in GA where vaccines are plentiful, the private school my D works at vaccinated all 16-18 year old students.


PA is now saying all residents are eligible starting April 19th, earlier for some (see the link):


I love the quickened pace of vaccination statement.

Couldnā€™t be public pressure that they are one of the last states to roll out their vaccines to everyone? 3 weeks after Ohio. And the statement yesterday that 90% of the country was to be open, when PA wasnā€™t part of that 90%

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I think thatā€™s because Biden mentioned he wanted to move up the date from May 1.

Wonder who is part of the 10%?

I wish those having a hard time could come here. We seem to have hundreds of appointments at the mass clinic going unused each day. Around mid-day I get some kind of notice that anyone can come down to the mass clinic and make an appointment for that day and the next day. Iā€™ve also starting getting messages about several mobile pop-up J&J clinics with 100+ still open. It doesnā€™t appear that there are any restrictions anymore except you need an appointment. They mention that theyā€™ve tried to reach out to qualified people to fill the slots, but they canā€™t get them all filled. So they just want them in arms to achieve herd immunity if possible.

Edit - and our local CVS always has a couple dozen or so too!

Our state hasnā€™t budged from mid-May to open vaccinations for all. :frowning:

I know someone in the current priority group who has not been able to get a vaccine nearby. They do not have a car to get to a distant vaccine location, and do not want to ride in public transportation or someone elseā€™s car or rent a car due to the possibility of getting COVID-19. They do live in what is probably one of the most demographically unfavorable places to get vaccine appointments (all demographic characteristics in the area point to a high level of vaccine enthusiasm and low rate of vaccine refusal, so vaccines are still largely ā€œsold outā€ there, even though they are available in other parts of the state).

Hawaii demographics suggest that vaccine enthusiasm is probably high there and vaccine refusal is probably low there, so Hawaii will probably take longer than most states to go through priority groups, unless it wants to leave some people in each priority group behind to rush to eligibility for all (which does not necessarily mean general availability).

There is a mass vaccination site in Salisbury Maryland that has appointments for anyone over 16 over the next three days. My friend was there for her appointment and she said that they were telling everyone there to spread the word, even to people from Delaware and NJ so I would think being from PA would be ok if you are willing to make the drive. I looked a little while ago and there were still appointments for all three days. The instructions for booking an appointment were VERY specific since none of the other max vaccination sites are participating. I can pm the instructions to you if youā€™re interested.

I was drooling and starting to rejoice until I googled how far away Salisbury is from us. Itā€™s 3 1/2 hours one way unfortunately.

However, it gives me hope that closer places may soon start doing similar things as more people have already been vaccinated.

Hopefully others reading this can use your info - I definitely appreciate your sharing!

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Our Governor decided that it is not worth dragging this furtherā€¦ April 15 it is!


My S said Salisbury is 2+ hours from where they live and heā€™s gotten 1st shot. His GF was notified sheā€™s in DC database and just needs to await her invitation.

The local Honolulu librarian said she didnā€™t get her VAX because she was at CVS and it really didnā€™t feel they were following best practices. It was indoors, crowded, long and very slow line. She opted to leave and tell them why she was leaving. She will get it elsewhere.


The person should see if she can use Lyft or Uber to get a ride to a neighborhood that has openings.

Wondering if the federal government has been reaching out to the states to see what they (the feds) can do to get their timeline achieved? :wink:

This was the only link I could find. But Governor Whitmer of Michigan asked for 66,000 more vaccine to help stop the surge we are having here

Of course, almost everyone I know is out of town this week, mainly Florida. Exactly what you shouldnā€™t do

But you could make a trip to the Eastern shore an adventure. Crabs, boardwalk fries, sailingā€¦

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