Cox Scholarship Interview

Has anybody on here previously interviewed for the IU Cox Scholarship? I have been invited for an interview, and would like to prepare myself to give a great interview.

Hey, just wondering how you were notified of your interview and what cox scholarship it was?

Great job though.

Hello James! I know your address, i can come over sometime and answer any questions that you may have.

My son got email notification on his IU email on Friday 2/14. Glad I had him check that email since we thought it would come to his regular email. Congrats and good luck!

I was notified through the IU email on one.iu. It was for all of them that weren’t research- I didn’t catch the deadline for that one.

Was your son’s notification for the Cox Research Scholarship or another?

Not research unfortunately :frowning: but happy that he can interview for others. If you look at the website it says that all applicants getting interviews would hear by 2/14 and the research one said they would notify all applicants one way or the other by 2/19.