CP Rankings for the USNWR Top 25 V: Computers

<p>CC provides information elsewhere that is drawn from College Pr owler. CP rates a number of elements of college life and I thought it might be interesting and fun to compare on various characteristics of colleges ranked in the USWNR Top 25 National Universities and the USNWR Top 25 LACs. </p>

<p>Here are the grades for Computers for colleges ranked in the USNWR Top 25 National Universities and the USNWR Top 25 LACs. </p>

<p>Note: Not all colleges have data available (Caltech, UCB, and UCLA among the national universities and Smith, Bates, Macalester, USMA & USNA among the LACs).</p>

<p>Computers , National University</p>

<p>A+ , MIT
A+ , Carnegie Mellon
A , Yale
A , Stanford
A , Dartmouth
A , Cornell
A , Johns Hopkins
A- , Harvard
A- , Princeton
A- , Duke
A- , U Chicago
B+ , U Penn
B+ , Wash U
B+ , Brown
B+ , Rice
B+ , Emory
B , Columbia
B , Vanderbilt
B , Notre Dame
B- , Northwestern
B- , U Virginia
C- , Georgetown</p>

<p>Computers , LAC</p>

<p>A , Amherst
A , Claremont McK
A , Harvey Mudd
A- , Davidson
A- , W&L
B+ , Middlebury
B+ , Bowdoin
B+ , Carleton
B+ , Vassar
B+ , Wesleyan
B+ , Grinnell
B+ , Colgate
B+ , Oberlin
B+ , Bryn Mawr
B , Swarthmore
B , Pomona
B , Haverford
B , Hamilton
B- , Wellesley
C , Colby
C+ , Williams</p>

<p>I’m surprised Stanford didn’t get A+. And, it would have been quite interesting to see Berkeley in the list.</p>

<p>Hawkette, Do you have any idea how the grading was done and by which organization?</p>

<p>I can’t believe Caltech isn’t at or near the top of this list… (also, is there a distinction between tiers, or shouldn’t the listings be alphabetical out of “fairness”?)</p>

<p>What exactly is this ranking? Ranking “computers” just doesn’t make sense. If it’s ranking CS programs, than Cornell/Stanford should be farther up.</p>

<p>Amherst has an A for Technology and a B for Dorms?
We have plain-old Dells, but mansions for dorms. What is this nonsense?
Maybe it’s because we have wireless everywhere.</p>

<p>I didn’t catch what this was a measure of. Was it based on the quality/size of computer science programs or was it based on the availability of campus computer labs or was it based on the advanced super computers in the physics dept?</p>

<p>Campus technology resources, I believe, is what College ******* is talking about on their page.</p>

<p>I think they, like Princeton Review, just try and get a random set of students to answer a certain number of surveys or interviews at these schools and then make stuff up based on those responses.</p>

<p>******* is a “four” letter word.</p>