CP Rankings for the USNWR Top 25 XI: Facilities

<p>CC provides information elsewhere that is drawn from College Pr owler. CP rates a number of elements of college life and I thought it might be interesting and fun to compare on various characteristics of colleges ranked in the USWNR Top 25 National Universities and the USNWR Top 25 LACs. </p>

<p>Here are the grades for Facilities at colleges ranked in the USNWR Top 25 National Universities and the USNWR Top 25 LACs. </p>

<p>Note: When I went thru the grades that CP had done, a lot of National Universities ranked between 26-50 (including U Michigan and 12 others) had no data available. As a result, I decided to limit the comparison to the USNWR Top 25 schools. Even so, not all colleges have data available (Caltech, UCB, and UCLA among the national universities and Smith, Bates, Macalester, USMA & USNA among the LACs).</p>

<p>Facilities , National University</p>

<p>A , Emory
A , Vanderbilt
A- , Yale
A- , U Penn
A- , Duke
A- , Cornell
A- , Notre Dame
B+ , Princeton
B+ , MIT
B+ , U Chicago
B+ , Johns Hopkins
B , Harvard
B , Stanford
B , Dartmouth
B , Northwestern
B , Brown
B , Rice
B , U Virginia
B- , Columbia
B- , Wash U
B- , Carnegie Mellon
B- , Georgetown</p>

<p>Facilties , LAC</p>

<p>A , Amherst
A , Middlebury
A , Vassar
A- , Williams
A- , Davidson
A- , Colgate
B+ , Wellesley
B+ , Pomona
B+ , Carleton
B+ , Harvey Mudd
B+ , W&L
B+ , Oberlin
B , Swarthmore
B , Bowdoin
B , Haverford
B , Claremont McK
B , Wesleyan
B , Grinnell
B , Bryn Mawr
B , Colby
C+ , Hamilton</p>

<p>having seen some of the outdated science labs and whatnot in Georgetown, I would’ve presumed they would get a lower score than a B-
But all the scores for these research universities look pretty great.</p>

<p>haha yeah the science facilities in reiss at Gtown are ancient. They’ve moved the organic chemistry labs to new facilities in the medical center, there’s a new (2006 i believe) molecular health sciences lab, and a new science center is slated for 2011. I’m hoping that’ll help the sciences at Gtown. I wonder why Columbia and Harvard are so “low”.</p>

<p>actually, JasonHoya, Harvard’s campus is pretty decrepit looking in some areas. lol. I guess I can truly see it as the oldest or second oldest university in America.</p>

<p>as for columbia, the main campus is great, but I tried out some places in the Fu Foundation…etc, and eh…+ some of the other buildings that aren’t as hyped as the main library and meeting place we see all the time are not that well kept either.</p>

<p>Vanderbilt definite deserves an A in facilities. Their science and engineering buildings (all interconnected into one huge complex) bump up against the Vanderbilt Medical Center and can best be described as palatial. The humanities buildings are very nice, as well.</p>

<p>Not on the list but U Oregon got an A+. I have been to Oregon and it’s no A+. That’s the problem with self-scoring. Most objective people would give Oregon around a B. Outside of athletic facilites nothing really stands out. The dorms are typical older state school level. The library just average. Most science buildings are dated. It’s nice but not A+. And I like Oregon.</p>

<p>Yeah. I’m pretty high on Cornell, but there’s no way its facilities are better than Princeton’s.</p>

<p>anyone else have the feeling that College P*****r is a tad out of date?</p>