<p>I just got an email from Princeton stating:</p>
<p>"As of the date of this letter, we have not received the following credential(s) from your Regular Decision application:</p>
<p>So, my question is, what does this mean? I would assume that they mean the Princeton Supplement to the common app, however that seems odd because I sent in the supplement at the same time that I sent my common app. Also, the wording seems strange, why didn't they just say supplement? The only other thing that I can think of is that I sent in a slide portfolio, and I noted in it that I would be sending another slide that hadn't been developed yet. I still haven't sent it because I was waiting for notification of a few other things so that I could send one letter rather than several. However, since the portfolio is optional, it seems odd that they would remind me of this. Does anyone have any idea what this word is referring to? Also, if I decide to send another copy of the supplement, would it be alright to hold off on sending the supplement until after I have the chance to call them on Monday?</p>