Creative Writing

Hello! I just recently applied to L&C this week, and I have absolutely fallen in love with the school. I have spent the last ten hours reading forums, navigating my way around the website, and gawking at the campus (awful, I know). I can picture myself here perfectly, and it is agonizing not knowing whether I’ll get in. Dreadful. My only––quite minuscule––problem is this: there is no creative writing major. I applied as an English major, (which I am totally cool with) and I don’t think creative writing is offered as a major, but I can’t figure out whether it is a minor/interdisciplinary/concentration/etc. Being a prospective English major with a focus on creative writing, I’d be very interested to know what this entails. How much of my coursework would be involved with the writing aspect? Does L&C focus heavily on creative writing? How are the professors? Overall, how is the quality of the English program? Anything you could tell me is appreciated sincerely. :slight_smile: Thank you so much!

Some cool courses offered:

This is a great question to discuss with an English dept prof!

Sounds flexible:
A concentration in writing and literature incorporates both creative writing courses and literature courses appropriate to a particular student’s interest.

A concentration in British and American literature combines courses calculated to strengthen the student’s understanding of literary history and the major writers in British and American literature.

These concentrations simply indicate two of the emphases possible within the English curriculum. They are not intended as binding tracks. On the contrary — students are urged to work out a major concentration that best suits their individual interests.