Criminal justice administration? where did it go?

<p>I’m a 22 y/o transfer from IL, looking to go to U of A this fall. Visited all 3 AZ schools in november and U of A definitely won me over. I applied to psychology for spring of 2010 and got accepted but decided to wait and reapply for criminal justice because it interests me more. I was looking on the U of A website today and saw this: </p>

<p>“Criminal Justice Administration (B.S.P.A.) – The Bachelor of Science in Public Administration Degree with a major in Criminal Justice Administration was disestablished, effective June 2009. Students interested in this program are encouraged to apply for the B.S.P.A. Degree with a major in Public Management & Policy, in the School of Government & Public Policy.”</p>

<p>It’s no longer a part of Eller College of Management, and they only offer a minor in CJ now. Is it even worth it? I don’t want to be a cop; looking to do federal law enforcement or private security. This major sounds pretty worthless for my intended career path, but I don’t know…ideas?</p>

<p>Also, if you have any word on the top universities with a criminal justice program, please let me know because I can’t find a legit answer anywhere.</p>