<p>so im a member of the class of 2013 and i was thinking of potential majors? i originally wanted to major in gender studies with a minor in French but as I was going through the list of majors, I found critical social thought to be rather interesting. Can any current students tell me a little bit about this major and if its rly recommended or not?</p>
<p>also, is it alott of work to be doubling majoring and minoring or majoring in one subject and double minoring? </p>
<p>Hey, Kathleen! I’m declared as a CST major but might individualize, so I’m still straddling between the two.
Either way…it’s hard to say if it’s recommended for you without knowing what you’re looking for!
Do you have specific questions I can answer?</p>
<p>Also, there’s no such thing as a double minor at Mount Holyoke, and if you’re majoring in an interdisciplinary field (like CST), you’re not required to do a minor at all. I don’t think it’s possible to double major and have a minor in something, but I might be wrong.</p>