CS and Premed

Hi everyone, I just entered into the University of Pennsylvania as a Comp Sci major two weeks ago and I am aiming to finish the pre-med track. A lot of people ask me to explain my reasoning for it so here goes:
I have loved programming and problem solving since I was a little kid. It was just the art of programming that convinced me that this is something I want to foster throughout my life, not necessarily as a job, but rather as a hobby to exercise my mind. In high school, I found ways to use computer science to benefit my local community. It was around this same time, I became really interested in biology, research, and clinical interaction. I did a 3 year program at a local hospital where I did research and clinical hours and saw that same theme of problem solving come across in medicine, except in a more applicable and impactful way. I loved to interact with patients and find out about their backgrounds and lives. It was then I decided that, although I had loved computer science, I wanted to be a doctor.
So now I’m in college as an engineer. I am pursuing computer science as my main degree because I want to learn as much about it as I possibly can. At the same time, I am fulfilling my pre-med requirements so I can apply for med school. However, I know that engineers will have a low GPA and I am totally prepared for that. If I were to get rejected from all the med schools I apply to, CS is a great career to fall back on.

My question is, will medical schools hold an engineering degree against me? The last thing I want happening is a school rejecting me because they dont think I am serious about medical sciences due to my major being in computer science. Should I angle my ECs to be more towards medicine to remedy this?

If you have all of your premed prerequisites and do well in college you comp sic major will not be a hindrance and could be a benefit.