<p>First of all. Parents, I'm posting in this forum because, well, frankly I trust your opinions more than I do those of my peers since you're older and have most likely gone through the college application/acceptance experience on your own as well as possibly with your children. </p>
<p>My stats are as follows:</p>
<p>Courses (04-05)</p>
<p>Honors English
AP Spanish
AP biology
Honors Algebra 3
Into Psychology (@ local college)
Micro Economics- spring 05 (@ local college)
Social Psychology- spring 05 (@ college)</p>
<p>Current GPA: 4.80 (weighted) - btw those college courses do not get factored into my GPA, however the do count as AP credit on my HS transcript.
Cumulative: 3.66 (weighted)
Class Rank: 36/508
SAT: new SAT in March. hopefully around a 21-2200.
SAT II Math IC: will take in march or may. aiming for 700ish
SAT II Biology: will take in may. be in the 700's
SAT II Spanish: will take in may. 600-700's hopefully. </p>
<p>EC's: I wont go into detail since it's a lot of stuff. I've got leadership, involvement in peer education and youth advocacy against drugs and tobacco, community service, piano and some schools plays. </p>
<p>Other Info:</p>
<p>had a bad freshman year of high school. I had no honors or AP courses (or any college courses for that matter) and the second semester of that year i managed to get a D in algebra 2 (which I made up in summer school as an A), as well as C's in English and world history. </p>
<p>My sophomore year wasn't GREAT however it was a vast improvement over what happened freshman year. Here's my schedule and grades for both semesters:</p>
Honors Spanish-B/A
Honors English-A/A
US History- Fall semseter- A (@ college)
Political Science-spring-A (@ college)</p>
<p>I definitely have a noticeable upward trend. My class rank I sound to rise this coming semester if my GPA stays at a 4.80... </p>
<p>Currently i want to apply to..
-U of Chicago
-UC Berkeley
-UC Davis
-All other UC's and CSU's except Chico, riverside, merced irvine</p>
<p>Would it be a waste applying to Princeton or do I have a minuscule chance? (btw thanks for reading through all that crap!)</p>