I’m an incoming UCSD freshman looking to take either CSE 8A or CSE 11, but I’m having trouble deciding between the two. My only experience with programming is a JavaScript class I took in high school and we didn’t do theory at all in the class. In terms of content covered, we went over conditionals, for and while loops, functions and scope, jQuery, Canvas, and a bit of object-oriented programming. Any advice on how to decide? (If it counts for anything, I will also be taking WCWP 10A, Math 20D, and Cog1 this fall.)
@hyponova I’m pretty sure you should take CSE 8A.
I consulted with my son who recently completed his CS degree at UCSD. He said that 8A would give you a better foundation and a pace that will not overwhelm someone who hasn’t taken Java before. There are common features between programming languages, but Java is very different in practice than JavaScript. The kids taking CSE 11 likely have already had a lot of experience programming in Java and other languages. Even though you understand the basics, you need more time and experience programming.
The good news is that starting with CSE 8A is unlikely to make a meaningful difference in your long-term class schedule. You will end up at the same place as the other students by graduation.
I have read some of the reasoning behind separating the experienced programmers from the others at the start. Beginners can be intimidated by students who are already proficient programmers, and it can make them underestimate their abilities and potential. Some even get so discouraged that they drop out. However, If beginners are placed with other beginners, they end up with the same level of ability as the others at the end of the program.
@BunnyBlue Sounds great! Thank you for the advice.