CSS- scholarships, grants, or gift aid

<p>This is the biggest question I have at the moment about the CSS. Both of my kids go to a private high school. We apply for and receive financial aid (no loans). If the tuition is let's say 3000 and we pay 1000 do we have 2000 in scholarship, grant or gift aid? </p>

<p>Oh and one other question...... regarding family business.... "use this space to provide additional information on this business as requested above, or to explain any special circumstance pertaining to this business." </p>

<p>What exactly would be appropriate information? Do we say, gee, we're dirt poor because the economy has highly affected our business? Or are they looking more for something that is truly "unusual"?</p>


<p>I think that's it and we'll be all done :-) (sorta).</p>

<p>The type of aid offered to you, and the amount of that aid will vary significantly from school to school. If your student attends a college that guarantees to meet full need for all students, you will see a different aid package than at a school that does not meet full need. If your student attends such a school with a “no loan” policy, you won’t see loans.</p>

<p>Regardless…for those Profile schools, the school will determine your family contribution. I will say, business owners at some Profile schools are very surprised when some of their business expenses are added back into their income…so be prepared for that…it could happen.</p>

<p>And also, at many schools your student will be expected to make a student contribution. For very low income students, this often can be earned through a work study job which would be part of the financial aid package.</p>

<p>At the end of the day, it is very possible that your student’s aid package(s) will have grants (hopefully), loans, work study.</p>

<p>Grants/scholarships ARE gift aid.</p>

<p>I think you totally missed my question :-)</p>

<p>I was asking if the difference in COA and what we paid for HIGH SCHOOL is scholarship/grant/gift aid.</p>


<p>While the PROFILE does ask what you are currently paying for private school tuition/other expenses/assets, IMO it is more to gauge the liquidity of those assets rather than to identify more need.</p>

<p>Yes. I believe the CSS asks for total cost of attendance (or tuition) and then asks how much in scholarship or gift aid. You would indicate $3,000 for tuition and $2,000 for scholarship/aid. You can only put in the high school expenses & aid for the student who will be in high school for 2012/2013. If you do not have the aid award for 2012/13 - I always put in the same award as the previous year (2011/2012).</p>