CSULB vs SDSU vs UCSC English/Comparative Literature Transfer


I’m a junior transfer coming from a California community college near SF. I was accepted into CSULB as a comparative literature major, and I’m still waiting to hear back from SDSU (comparative lit major) and UCSC (literature major). I haven’t heard much about the programs at CSULB or SDSU in this department on here, but I’m pretty familiar with UCSC’s.

I’m looking to get any opinions on the programs within any of the schools I’ve listed. I’m not assuming I’ll be admitted to SDSU and UCSC, but I’m just looking to be as informed as possible while I wait lol

I’d also like to hear about the overall atmosphere of any of the listed schools (location, social scene, course rigor, if the school’s more artsy vs STEM-y, etc) from anyone who knows anything beyond what’s on the websites!!! These schools are also wildly different so any comparison between them would be amazing

Can’t address the English Lit questions, but I went to SDSU and lived in the area for years (still live relatively close to go down regularly). SDSU is a very large school but the campus is enclosed (parking all along the outside, building and services in the center, so very walking friendly). So it can feel smaller than some of the spread out schools. Great academics, great social life. Easy access to downtown and the beaches. There’s now a trolly stop on campus. The gym is large and nice. Tons of events and things to do on campus. Great weather. San Diego is a really wonderful city. Because the school is so large, you will need to reach out and find your group and activities, but there’s so much available you can do it. I loved being in a larger school, but I had my smaller key group of friends from ROTC.

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Piggybacking on @318830’s post, of the three, CSULB has the least “college town” vibe. While you wait for admissions decisions, you might research the price and availability of housing around each campus. CSULB has been trying to over come some housing issues. They have opened a new dorm and are looking for creative ways to rent to students.