Hello everyone. I got accepted to CSUN as a psychology major but unfortunately I didn’t get into UCLA. I was speaking with a friend that currently attends UCLA and she told me that I can get my Masters at UCLA after getting my BA at CSUN. How does that work? Can I transfer from CSUN to UCLA after my BA? Also, is it even possible to apply from CSUN to UCLA before getting my BA? How does the CSUN to UCLA transfer work?
Hi @smcttransfer! Applying for masters after your BA at CSUN wouldn’t be a problem as long as you have good GPA. To transfer while undergrad, you would have to have an extremely high GPA (even higher than the GPA required for us UCLA students from one major to another) good luck!!
@jessica12345 so if I have a 3.7+ GPA at CSUN. I can do my Grad at UCLA? I just transferred from SMC to CSUN btw. I wish I went straight to UCLA instead 
Getting a Masters at a different university than your Bachelor’s is not considered a “transfer”, it is a perfectly normal thing. In your senior year of high school you apply to universities. In the same way, if you want to go straight from undergrad to graduate school, then in your senior year of university you apply to graduate schools for their master’s program. Just as you took the SAT in high school, you take the GRE in college.
Undergraduate grades will matter a lot when applying to graduate schools (but at this point high school grades won’t matter at all). Most of the “big name” universities (such as UCLA) have large undergraduate programs, but are actually better known for their excellent graduate programs.
When I did a Master’s at Stanford, the other students had done their Bachelor’s degree all over the place. I honestly don’t recall there being any two students who had done their Bachelor’s in the same place, although I suppose there must have been some two students who had.
“if I have a 3.7+ GPA at CSUN. I can do my Grad at UCLA?”
You will need to apply and see. I suspect that you will need to improve your GPA a bit. Keep ahead in your class work and do you best. There should be good options for you regardless of whether or not UCLA is one of them.
@DadTwoGirls well I’m barely starting this Fall so I want a 3.8+ by the time I’m in my second year at CSUN so I can apply for Grad at UCLA to get my Mastersn and PhD.