<p>I'm in my second year at City College. I am pursuing a psychology degree, but my main goal is to become a Physicians Assistant. The travel to City College is really long for me so I am considering to transfer to Queens College which is a lot closer to home. Do you think this is a good idea? I don't want to end up regretting this decision. Which college has a better rank? Which would look better when applying to PA school? Please help!!!</p>
<p>I just graduated from queens college with a degree in psychology and sociology. When I visited city college during my senior year of high school I thought about going to city college after been accepted there too. I like the campus and the buildings. But when it came to academics I heard that city focuses on your intended major or career study while queens doesn’t, it provides a wide variety of classes relating for your major. Besides that I am not good with the transportation so with city college right next to a dangerous area I chose to attend queens where I formed many relationships with professors</p>
<p>Oh forgot as Lon you have a high GPA and the eight classes. queens actual have a strong paychology department as some student were accepted to grad school luke the ivy league with scholarships.it doesn’t matter if you stay in queens or city. When I visited city, it took me an hour or less using the subway</p>
<p>Sorry iPod keeps changing my words, as long you have a high GPA. You can get into pa school. But also you are taken the right classes. Queens has a strong psychology department. Some students went to ivy schools with full scholarships. The department offers a research program to get experience in the research world which I think you need if you are studying to be a pa</p>