I am still waiting for any news about my CUNY application process.
It is very sad to feel totally ignored by something that you are really believing and are giving your energies and hopes. I’ve applied for the CUNY fall term right on time and, as a Brazilian student, it was very expensive and difficult to send all my documents and specially to translate them. I don’t know if it is serious that my process is being evaluated but I feel that they are just trying to distract me.
Is there any foreigner student that passed or is passing by the same kind of situation? Do you guys know if it is true that they really evaluate documents for so long…
I am in the same situation and I understand how frustrating it can be…But don’t give up…Try calling or at least emailing them and ask them if they at least know if your application has at been reviewed yet. I did that and they were very helpful…unfortunately at the end they told me that my documents have not been reviewed yet by any of the colleges I’ve applied…so I’m still waiting but I don’t lose my hopes.
I’m from Kuwait and same thing, I called and they said they couldn’t find my application which is very weird because they send me emails about it a few times. They asked me to call CUNY and they didn’t reply so I emailed them
Thanks a lot guys, lets keep in touch 
Hi, I applied April 22 and today my portal change to a decision has been made by all colleges and should hear from them shortly. I am so anxious to know where I got accepted. I would email them since their phone service is temporarily down and try to call them next week.
@louissemi1 congrats in advance!
@louissemi1 yeaaah congrats!I hope that happens to me too !!!
Their phone service is working now you should be able to talk to them. And if the phone hangs up while you choose an option do not redial the number type the whole number again then it will work, Happend to me:) best of luck (if my grammar suck here is because I’m on my cell)
my CUNY portal has changes but it doesn’t say anything about a decision. The same happened to yours?
@helensacs the same happened to me…my portal suddenly changed but no updates on a decision
it`s weird…