<p>Hey guys. Could you tell me what do u know about this school? Any opinions? Bad and good sides? Is it hard to get to good graduate school after this school? (Computer science)How hard is to get a good job after this?
Thanks for any responses</p>
<p>its not a school, its a program. u have to choose which school u want to apply to (queens college, baruch, hunter college). the good side is the full scholarship, laptop, study grants, fully paid study abroad opp., research opps, internships, get to go to broadway shows and mueseums and all that for free and so much more (go to cuny.edu and then drag down to cuny honors college) the bad thing is u gotta keep a 3.5 and sometimes things get overwhelming keeping up with all the other requirements. its also very hard to get into the program (1350 avg sat and 93 avg gpa) the honors college has some connecs with companies in nyc. so if u stayin in nyc, cuny honors college is pretty cool. im in cuny honors college at queens college right now by the way.</p>
<p>i applied to cuny honors city college, my sat is 1400. i assume queens may b e similar to city college, right? what major are you in? Is it hard to get to MIT graduate school after this program?</p>
<p>yea i think u should be in as long as everything else is okay.......im on the predental track right now...because the program is growing i think within the time u graduate it will be a real good thing coming out of there....i would call up the mit grad school and ask them about it.......in us as a whole, honors college are gettin more popular and grad schools realize how hard it is to get in and more importantly keep up with it and graduate.....good luck</p>