<p>What plans do you have for the summer?</p>
<p>Most grad students just research during the summer...</p>
<p>If their discipline requires field work for their research, they complete their research.</p>
<p>Those in a professional program tend to find an internship.</p>
<p>As for me....research....</p>
<p>I'm studying for a Master of Public Administration with specializations in State & Local Management and Education Policy. So this summer I'm going to be a Research & Evaluation Intern for a local school district. I will also be doing work for my school's education policy research center.</p>
<p>Like ophiolite said, I'll be in the lab all summer. And then all of next year. And the summer after that. Wash, rinse, repeat.</p>
<p>It's a glamorous life, but somebody has to do it. ;)</p>
<p>Researching for my thesis!!</p>
<p>research, summer is the best time to do research.</p>
<p>interning with google in santa monica, ca (10 miles from my grad school).</p>
<p>sweet, sweet research. then a trip to the mountains for some mountain biking, and one roadtrip with the g/f down the west coast.</p>