<p>What a day.
I was rejected at my top choice (Yale - please don't eat me!) and had given up all hope for the East coast when BAM - Harvard. Totally unexpected.
I preferred (and, right now, still do... sadface) Yale to Harvard because I've somehow gotten the impression that people are happier at Yale.
In fact, I've gotten the impression that people are UNhappy at Harvard. My Harvard interviewer basically told me to go to Stanford if I get in (which I did) - because the people there are so much happier.
I WANT to love Harvard. I love many aspects of it already. But happiness is always going to trump the prestige factor.</p>
Current students: Are you happy? If so, why? If not, why not? Is day to day life easy? Enjoyable? </p>
<p>ANY and ALL feedback is appreciated. I want the good, the bad, and the ugly.