Current Junior at Purdue- Any Questions about Purdue?

<p>Hey guys,</p>

<p>I figured I create a new thread (and account) about any questions related to Purdue University--life, academics, social life, sports, etc since the OP of the original thread doesn't seem like he logs on much. I'll try to answer them to the best of my ability. I'll give a little bit of background about myself so you guys can know me better!</p>

<p>As the title says, I'm currently a Junior in Krannert School of Management majoring in Management. I lived in Shreve my freshman year and then have been living in apartments ever since. I'm not in any social/business frats but I have plenty of friends that are so I know how those are like. </p>

<p>If you have any questions just ask and I'll do my best to answer them!</p>

<p>Boiler Up!</p>

<p>Hi. Do hope that I will get a respond as it seems to be pretty dead over here.</p>

<p>Few questions:

  1. Which forum does most Purdue students surf at?
  2. Which mobile carrier most Purdue students use? Any suggestion for a plan with data? Preferably below $30-40. I don’t really mind about minutes n messages.
  3. How is the WiFi coverage and speed around Purdue? Any censorship?
  4. What are the general leisure activities at Purdue? </p>

<p>That’s all for now :slight_smile: Thanks in advance.</p>

<li><p>Which forums most Purdue students surf at? - I don’t believe there’s an actual set forum that most Purdue students surf at. You can check out <a href="http://www./r/purdue%5B/url%5D">www./r/purdue</a>. It’s basically a tiny community where people from Purdue get together and can post stuff on there. If you’re a sports fan you can go here [</a> - Message Boards](<a href=“]”> and discuss sports with other boiler fans! And the facebook community is also very popular. There’s a general Purdue University page that you can join, your specific class page, and your school page. So I’m currently in Purdue University Class of 2014 page and the Krannert School of Management page.</p></li>
<li><p>Hmm…I would say it’s mostly Verizon and AT&T. I have AT&T and get great coverage everywhere besides a couple of locations in building basements. As far as choosing a data plan, I don’t know what provider you have or would like to have but I would recommend getting the 300mb plan, I know AT&T has that and I’m sure Verizon, Sprint, T-mobile must have something similar as well.</p></li>
<li><p>Purdue has great Wi-fi system in place. That’s why I think you won’t need anything more 300mb for your data plan. Purdue Wi-fi is everywhere on campus! It’s called PAL 3.0 and you get connected very easily. The first time you’ll have to set up on your laptop but there’s a program in place which helps you do that. Then all you have to use is your career login credentials and you’ll be good to go. </p></li>
<li><p>As far as general leisure activities go most Purdue students just party for the most part. But there are a ton of clubs here (seriously, if you have an interest in something, there will most likely be a club for it) that you can join. Purdue Student Union Board provides a lot of social activities for Purdue students. They’ll throw events 2-3 times a week. They show free pre-released DVD movies to students on Fridays. There’s always fun contests going on. In the winter-time everyone gets a lunch tray or sled or whatever and go down Slayter Hill. Sports is pretty big for us. Football season people are tailgating, drinking, throwing the football around and it’s a pretty fun atmosphere (even though we suck). We just recently renovated our rec center to where it’s badass now. We got a huge rock climbing wall in there now, 6 basketball courts, in-door soccer courts, volleyball courts, lifting equipment. Basically everything. I don’t think there will be a weekend at Purdue where there isn’t something fun going.</p></li>

<p>Hope I answered all your questions!! If you have more just let me know!</p>

<p>The first website is censored so I can PM it to you if you would like</p>

<p>I’m going to be a freshman next year and was wondering which dorm to live in. What do you recommend for a guy that likes sports and having fun, but is still pretty serious on studying and school. Thanks!</p>

<p>I think it all depends on luck really. There isn’t a dorm that’s known for partying, or studying or sports fanatics. I remember my Freshman year I was extremely lucky and everyone our floor was friendly, social, and we all got along. We did dorm pranks, pulled all nighters studying for exams and watched games together. I made some of the best memories in that dorm. I also had a couple friends on the floor below mine and his floor was dead quiet. Everyone had their rooms shut and no one on the floor really hung out. </p>

<p>I’m not sure if price is an issue but that being said, I would recommend Earhart, Shreve, McHarrison or McCutcheon. They are close to each other and to Purdue Village, which has a couple restaurants and a bookstore. Earhart has its own dining court which is pretty nice. I’ve been in every dorm at Purdue and can honestly say those are your best choices, excluding Hillenbrand. I’m not 100% sure but I think Hillenbrand is just for sophomores and up, but if it’s not definitely try to get in there. The rooms in there are quite large and you have a dining court right below. The only bad side about living in these dorms are that the libraries are really far. Each dorm has its study lounge but some times those are packed during finals. </p>

<p>In regards to Cary Quad, I would highly discourage living there because the rooms are horrible. If you get a loft, which you’re going to have to unless you have no stuff to put in your room, your bed is going to be just a feet or so below the ceiling. The Suites in Cary Quad are much much better but those are difficult to obtain. The only good thing about Cary is that Ross Ade stadium is right in your backyard and Mackey is really close as well.</p>

<p>Meredith, Tarkington, Owen and Wiley are all OK dorms. I may be wrong because Purdue does a lot of renovations throughout the year, but I think none of those dorms have air conditioning. Meredith might but not positive. The locations for those are nice though. The newly renovated Rec center is right across the street from them. Cary is the only dorm that is a little far from the Rec center. </p>

<p>I hope I was able to answer your question! Like I said, it mostly just depends on luck for what kind of people you’ll be living with. I would recommend trying to find a roommate. I think Facebook always has some group for incoming freshman trying to find roommates. That way you can at least find someone similar to your personality.</p>

<p>Thanks for the expert opinions and advice!</p>

<p>1.) Say, I’m a gamer and on the web a lot. But I can’t stand long wait downloading time. How fast is the wireless connection at Purdue?
2.) Do you sometime go “outside” of campus to grab something to eat? If so, where do you go?
3.) Is there a McDonald near campus? I heard there was one but didn’t find any when I visited.
4.) What was your lowest and highest class size?
5.) And 5, how did you meet your roommate in the first year? Was he a friend? Or a stranger? If stranger did you talk/text with him before Purdue classes started or did you only met him on the first day moving in?</p>

<p>Wow I ask long question o.o</p>

<p>Can you please describe the weather? I am from Massachusetts so I’m used to brutal winters (where I can go snowboard :D) and really hot and humid summers.</p>

<p>Also, does the campus generally lean towards the liberal side or conservative side of the political spectrum?</p>

<p>Is the school really strict on things like underage drinking? (not that I would do this of course just asking!)</p>


<li><p>Purdue internet is crazy fast. I used to play games online with friends on my floor all the time and never had an issue with lag. You have an option to use ethernet or router. Both work very well, ethernet is best however. Just a tip…and this might be obvious but some people still do it and get caught, DO NOT download any illegal off Purdue internet…you will get caught. They are very strict about that. If you plan on downloading anything use Dtella. Best thing ever. Google it if you like.</p></li>
<li><p>I eat out all the time. I live in an apartment and sometimes just don’t have the time to make something or I just don’t feel like eating something frozen. Purdue has a ton of places to eat. The most popular would be the memorial union. There are a ton of restaurants in there. Chauncey is another very popular place, slightly off campus. Has a few bars, restaurants, and a nice coffee place. Since you’re probably a freshman, Purdue Village is the closest to the dorms. They have a few restaurants as well (Subway, Papa Johns, Chicago Style). But to answer your question, my apartment is really close to Chauncey so I’ll just go there and grab a bite to eat.</p></li>
<li><p>We have 2 McDonalds and they’re both far away from each other. One is on Northwestern street, which is near the Armstrong building. And the other one is down the hill near chauncey. </p></li>
<li><p>Class sizes can vary a lot. Most of your intro classes will have a lot of kids, anywhere from 100-400+. Some intro classes are very small though. I remember my ENGLISH106 class was only like 30 kids. Once you start getting in your upper classes, they are mostly 20-40 kids. For example, my upper level finance class has 20 kids in it. That’s one of the nice things about Purdue. Once you get done with your intros, you won’t have a lot of students in your classes and can personally get to know the professor.</p></li>
<li><p>My roommate was my best friend from highschool. It was so awesome, we got along great. We’re still rooming right now in an apartment with two other people. If you decide to room with a friend, be careful. Make sure you two can stand each other for long periods of time. If you’re going random, make sure you get to know that person before actually moving in. You guys may not have the same personality and it’ll make for a bad dorm experience.</p></li>

<p>Ask all the questions you need! That’s why I’m here! Hope I helped</p>


<p>Indiana weather is very unpredictable. It can be clear skies and sunny and out no where a storm shows up. It can be 70 degrees one day and snowing the next (happens a lot). Temperatures can drop really fast here too. Just two days ago it was 55 in the morning and dropped below 30 degrees by mid-afternoon. Other than that it’s similar to yours. Hot humid summers and brutal winters. Last winter wasn’t too bad though.</p>

<p>I honestly don’t know if Purdue leans liberal or conservative. I would say conservative though. Our new President is governor Mitch Daniels who is Republican. A lot of rich and wealthy students attend Purdue as well. You’ll find people that are both though. I have a few friends that lean liberal and few that lean conservative. Makes for good debates. </p>

<p>As far as underage drinking goes, no not really unless you keep getting caught or are publicly intoxicated. I haven’t gotten busted yet, but a few of my friends have. If you’re underage and get caught they usually give you a warning and let you go. If you’re underage and throwing a party they make you throw out all the alcohol down the drain. I wouldn’t get too drunk while in public though. Just recently, Purdue police arrested like 70 or so kids for public intoxication at the football game. Just be responsible and smart about it, you’ll be fine ;). College cops know this is a college campus. People drink, most cops aren’t strict about it.</p>

<p>If you have more questions feel free to ask!</p>

<p>Thanks so much for the reply! And one more thing, are African-American or other students of color treated well on campus? I saw on big future that there weren’t many minority students at Purdue and I feel like I would be singled out.</p>

<p>I heard there was loads of asian international students. When I visited I barely seen any blacks or hispanics students. So I have the same question as comic</p>

<p>Sent from my LG-VM696 using CC</p>

<p>I haven’t seen anything that would make me say they are not normally treated. I’m sure there is an instance or two of some red neck being racist. But regardless, I would be aware of your surroundings when walking during night time at Purdue. I atleast get one text during the week of someone getting robbed or some assault took place. Most of these incidents are off-campus, but still, be careful. Purdue has a emergency blue boxes all through out campus and if you’re in trouble or see someone in trouble just press the button on those boxes. </p>

<p>You’ll be treated normally though. I have a few african-american friends and they’re some of the coolest people I know. As far as Asians go, yes, Purdue has a lot of them. Most of them are from China, Japan, and Korea. A lot of them are in the business school as well.</p>

<p>Purdue is pretty well diversified except our Hispanic population. I think that is pretty low. You’ll get to meet someone from a lot of cultures, though. It’s a good learning experience, that’s for sure.</p>

<p>Wow thx for reply. I’ll be back when I get my acceptance letter xD</p>

<p>No problem and good luck!!</p>

<p>Thanks for the reply.</p>

<p>Just one extensive question, how much will the 300mb plan you suggested cost? Im not quite sure how to browse through the at&t website. Confused.</p>

<p>I read through that “gamer’s post” and how if Im a movie and tv series person? I used to download tv series like south park, family guy, himym, weeds, games of thrones, breaking bad and many more and of course the latest release by famous rippers from warez (direct downloads) or pirtatebay (torrents). </p>

<p>Those are considered illegal? Any legal alternatives? No usage limit right?</p>

<p>In the residence halls, you have a 5GB up, 5 GB down limit. However, there’s a service called dtella that is unique to Purdue and only works on resnet that you can download movies/tv/music with out any limit.</p>

<p>Use with 4G** Tablets compatible with month-to-month and 2 year commitment data plans.</p>

<p>DataConnect 250MB for 4G LTE Tablets $14.99 $14.99 per 250 MB $0.015/KB $0.0195/KB </p>

<p>View details
DataConnect 3GB for 4G LTE Tablets $30.00 $10.00 per 1 GB $0.015/KB $0.0195/KB </p>

<p>View details
DataConnect 5GB for 4G LTE Tablets $50.00 $10.00 per 1 GB $0.015/KB $0.0195/KB </p>

<p>I got this information from here [AT&T</a> Data Plan - 4G LTE Data Plans with Wi-Fi & Tethering from AT&T](<a href=“AT&T’s Best Cell Phone Plans: Unlimited Your Way, 5G Data & Family Mobile Plans | AT&T”>AT&T’s Best Cell Phone Plans: Unlimited Your Way, 5G Data & Family Mobile Plans | AT&T). This is pricing for customers in the W/Lafayette Area. I didn’t realize ATT went down to 250MB but it says its for 4G. It might be different for 3G users. I still believe 250MB is plenty of data but if you can afford the $30 go with that. I’d also like to mention Purdue students get a 20% discount on their data plan.</p>

<p>As far as downloading shows/movies/games, I mentioned in an earlier post and the poster above me, use Dtella. It is an excellent client for downloading whatever you want and it won’t count against your 5GB ResNet limit.</p>

<p>Sorry but Im not quite sure how to use the Dtella.</p>

<p>It can be configured by myself on my laptop? Is it FOC?</p>

<p>By using Dtella, it is considered legal and I can get the latest shows n movies i want?</p>

<p>I think the only relevant website I found googling is this:</p>

<p>[dtella</a> - A decentralized Direct Connect “hub” - Google Project Hosting](<a href=“]dtella”>GitHub - pmarks-net/dtella: A decentralized Direct Connect "hub")</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>