Current student to take questions

Is there a separation between Southerners and those from the Northeast or do they all blend together? Would you describe the students as materialistic and status concious for the most part or down to earth? Thanks:)

VSG is seen as corrupt and “under the table” by some of the student body. A current student was eliminated from running for student body president by VSG itself. Word on the street is that some current high up VSG members just didn’t like him.

Does Vandy have a cycling club?

Hi @citymama9! I would say there can be a separation between the students based on where they come from, but that it’s more likely to find students who have friends from lots of different places around the country and around the world. The times I have seen students self-segregate based on where they’re from is when it’s assumed that they can’t connect or learn from other students with different perspectives, which is really sad to see. Most people I know at school have friends from all over, and at least in my experience, that has been incredible in terms of giving me perspective about places and people I don’t know.

I’d say something similar about whether students are status conscious or down to earth - just like in the rest of the world, there are both types of students here. The experience is really what you make it. I’ve found going beyond surface-level in my friendships with other students has been the best way to realize that everyone has depth and insecurities and various stresses going on in their lives, but we may choose to cover/hide those stresses with what seems like a status-conscious facade at times.

Hi @zfarrias!

I don’t think the cycling club is active currently, but you are always welcome to start or restart a club on campus if you come and want to keep cycling at school! I know several students who have started clubs here!