Current Students - Favorite Professors and Classes

<p>For all you current students, who are your favorite professors? It would be great to hear which teachers have influenced you the most. I'm not really sure what discipline I want to pursue so a description of any professor(s) from any discipline would be great information. So who inspired you in your education, both academically and holistically.</p>

Class Set Up (logistics):

<p>I've been stalking this post for ages. can someone please answer it!</p>

<p>Name- Professor Alice Yang/Alan Christy
Class- HIST 80Y World War II Memories in the Pacific
Class setup: Two 3-5 pg papers, daily two-question quiz, choice of either a final group project or final exam. Lectures are all powerpoints. In the final weeks of class there are some guest speakers.
Personality- Alice and Alan team-teach WWII Memories, and they're awesome. Alice is really dedicated to her students, and really wants students to learn. Alan is a funny, eccentric man. Both professors have an excellent command of the material and present it in an interesting, engaging way. This class is only offered Spring Quarter and I highly recommend it.</p>

<p>Name- Professor Guevara
Class- PHIL 94 The Empiricists
Class setup- Two midterms and a final. You can choose to write a final paper in lieu of the final if you do well on the midterms.
Personality- He's a super chill dude. He sometimes goes off on tangents and may not provide the best answers to all questions, but he can definitely present the material in a clear and coherent manner.</p>

<p>Thanks Vicious! Now, let's keep it rolling :]</p>


<p>bump it… : )</p>

<p>This deserves a bump. My D just registered and she is going to take a Cultural Anthro class. She looked it up on RateMyProfessors and she was encouraged that many posters said it had a fun teacher and that the subject matter gave a lot to think about.</p>

<p>What are some others??? What classes inspired you? Was it the teacher and the material? </p>

<p>(When I went to college a million years back at Syracuse it was Witchcraft and Christianity- a class that I still think of as it spoke to the conflict between paganism and the emerging belief in Christianity, culture clash/power clash. My major was TV/Comm.)</p>

<p>Intro to Education is very good. Taught by multiple professors in one quarter, you get a broad bunch of topics all presented by spirited and well-spoken lecturers. Really helped inform me about issues in our own educational system, both from the political and teaching perspectives.</p>