Custodial and Noncustodial Parent Financial Aid

I have divorced parents, and I know that USC takes both custodial AND noncustodial parent finances into consideration when determining financial aid. The thing is, my parents have very different financial situations. With my custodial parent, I was estimated to get enough grant aid that I could afford the school, but my noncustodial parents’ finances make it so I would receive little to no grant aid. My question is that since one of my parents is determined to have enough money to afford the tuition in its entirety, would financial aid likely give nothing, or would I still be able to get a little bit of grant aid because of my other parent?

I know this is entirely based on estimates, as I haven’t yet applied, but I would prefer to have some idea of what it would cost going into the application process. Thank you!

I’ve also contacted USC’s financial aid department with my question via email, and they only reiterated that they take both parent finances into consideration, so my question wasn’t really answered.

USC answered your question. They combine the income and assets of both parents. Depending on how high that is and whether you have other siblings in college at the same time, you may or may not receive grant aid. Use their net price calculator for an estimate.