D exposed to Covid - questions about family gathering

Unless he’s being a “very good dog” with sympathetic symptoms :wink:.

Seriously, wishing speedy recovery for all.

Family Doctor said to treat mild symptoms like flu: rest, healthy diet, hydrate, OTC meds as needed.

We told our hostess that we want all the other guests to be perfectly at ease. Even though the other “close contact” family members still tested negative a 6 days later, we suggested we should NOT attend. There was no push back.

Yeah, we aren’t attending parties, but we do venture outside for needed items and to walk the dog (we are masked when inside any building).

Here’s an interesting factoid: of D’s suite of six, three of them caught Covid. She was the final suitemate to test positive. Of the three who didn’t get it, one left for home relatively early. The other two were just somehow lucky. All were vaccinated and boosted.

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To is just about impossible to get a home Covid test where I live. If I had to do this before a party, I wouldn’t be able to go. And I guess that would have to be fine.


Same! No home tests available for sale anywhere and haven’t been seen for at least a month. I look every time I’m in a place that would sell them. And I looked on line for in store pickup.

From Michigan where Covid has been raging for awhile.

We are in a covid Mess. Last weekend D and her BF hung out with friends. Monday they drive to my parents in FL. Tuesday D is not feeling great. Goes to urgent care and is negative. A day or so later BF has a bad cold. My mom avoids him (D and BF had covid a year ago and are vaccinated but not boostered yet-mom and her BF are boostered). We arrived last night. Sharing condo with D and BF (mom and her Bf sleep at his place).
They get a text their friend is positive. They both take rapid tests this morning -positive. So now what do myself and H (boostered) and S (not boostered do).
D and BF will head home (driving).
Mom and BF are at his place, but his family coming next week.
H myself and S theoretically dont have to Q until symptoms. But we could get stuck here in a condo , and if one gets it likely we all.
Thoughts are we will drive home tomorrow. Enjoy one day at beach and avoid people.

Covid math hurts my brain


Auntlydia, if your daughter was positive, no reason to test again if she doesn’t have symptoms after 10 days, according to the CDC. Folks can test positive, especially with PCR for quite a while after infection, but they should not be able to transmit the virus 10 days after symptoms start or they test positive. Hence the recommendation not to retest unless still symptomatic.


Still doesn’t negate the fact that the hostess requested all guests have had a booster shot and this particular person either lied or deliberately neglected to reveal her actual vaccine status. I don’t get people, I really don’t.

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If quick tests aren’t available, a lot of people just won’t test. There is no way that many people are going to forego getting together with friends and family. So there will be plenty of infections that will go undetected.


My mother went to her weekly club gathering last Wednesday. They wore masks except when they ate and had pictures taken. She came over to my apartment on Thursday so we could go to Cancun together. On Friday she got a text to say someone at the gathering tested positive. Needless to say my mother was beside herself because we were going away.
A day later she found out it was a hoax. A disgruntled member falsely reported a Covid case because she was not happy.

What a sociopath. They should expel her from the club. It would have been horrible at any time of year, but right before Christmas, when people want to see their familes? I really hope they kick her out.


Yeah, we only went to this party because we believed that everyone was boosted. The hostess may have accepted the negative test in lieu of boosting, but I don’t know that for a fact. I don’t know that I would have accepted that, given that there can be false negatives. This was the only indoor socializing we’ve done during the pandemic.

I recently told my husband that CC’ers like to watch procedurals (had to explain to him what that meant). But now we’re all CSI Covid.


What qualifies as symptomatic - that is what I think people will fudge on. If I originally had body aches, fever, stuffy head, cough but now only have a little runny nose and occasionally cough am I still symptomatic??? (I actually have none of these) - this is where I think it’s unclear because mos “cold” symptoms don’t fully disappear even in a 10 day window.


D2 (tested positive Monday with home test) had a fever, body aches, congestion and cough. By yesterday when we made the long drive home from our Airbnb in Utah to Southern California she still was a bit congested and tired not unlike you feel after a few days of a cold. This morning she said she is feeling much better.

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Yeah no, I’m not testing her with a PCR, but several doctors I have seen on tv/Twitter have suggested testing with the antigen on the final days. Plus, it gives her something to look forward to. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Was hoping not to be a part of this group, but here we are. Cousin is hosting dinner tonight locally for just small immediate family, which was 14 people. All adults are boosted, except for my brother; kids are vaccinated except for the 3 under 5 that are not eligible.

Almost 3 year old is positive, so her family of 5 are now not coming. My aunt and uncle were in a car with his brother a few days ago, and brother is now not feeling well; his wife tested positive, but he hasn’t tested and is not vaxed. My aunt insist she is still coming to dinner, but her husband doesn’t want to expose my 90 year old mother. I would assume my aunt and uncle have Covid whether they have symptoms or not, due to the fact that they were in a closed car with the brother. I could be wrong in this thought, but would rather be safe. Just because they can’t find a test does not make them negative.

Cousin said we could eat outside as she has a patio with a fireplace; temp should be around 58, so not terrible. My aunt agreed to wear a mask inside, but only has cloth; I told her she needed a KN95 and if I come, I would bring her one. Mom really want to go as she doesn’t get to see people often since dad died and Covid. I am upset with my aunt, as I think she has no business coming; she think my mother shouldn’t come. If mom comes, I am the one that has to bring her, so I think we are going. I will keep mom apart from her sister and try my best to have both mom and aunt mask.

This all just makes my head spin. I know we are all tired of this, but my aunt’s selfishness really bothers me. She goes out with other couples, goes to events, so socializes often. That mom (her sister) barely gets out, and aunt thinks mom should stay home, makes my blood boil, so venting here. At least my uncle gets it and he is the one I would have thought the opposite of. Mom, aunt and I are very close; aunt is only 13 years older than me, so more like a big sister throughout my life.

That’s horrible. This isn’t something to kid around about.

In our case, the two boostered family members did not get infected, the non-boostered one did. Sure, 1/3 are not bad odds - but in reality, if only one of the three of you ends up positive, they’ll be much less miserable quarantining in the comfort of home - and the lucky other two would likely not really enjoy “vacationing” anyway.

According to the NYT, thousands of flights have been cancelled. In a weird way, I’m glad we cancelled our trip when D tested positive.