D exposed to Covid - questions about family gathering

The vast majority of those were not in the US. The article says over 1000 in the US but then lists:
United 176
Delta 158
American 0
Alaska 9
Jet Blue 9
Allegiant 9

I checked on Flight Aware just now and some of those are up a bit, and Southwest has 3 cancellations, but it’s still not close to 1000.

Edited to add: Flight Aware says 658 flights cancelled within, to, or from the US today.

I’m sure there will be more canceled flights in the weeks ahead, but right this moment I’m feeling like the media is hyping the “Christmas Cancellations” more than is warranted. Remember when the computer issues resulted in 1000s of cancellations for two different airlines not long ago? And a major storm at a hub can do the same. This is bad since it’s just the beginning, but it’s not horrendous at the present moment.

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We’re looking forward to a Skype call with S and DiL, and very appreciative of the technology that makes it possible. I’m old enough to recall when long distance phone calls cost a fortune and were mainly for emergencies. In our 20s and 30s, we sent cards to our parents at Christmas when we weren’t in the same area or were not able to visit, but did not do phone calls.


We have decided to stsy in FL because my mom, if she gets sick, will need help. We had an outdoor dinner on the deck woth the covid positives sitting on their own at leadt 12 feet away with masks i served them wearing a high end mask so they did not touch the food.

My mom is so over it all snd seems not to care at this point, being. Boosted and and having non covid bronchitis 2 months ago. The positives are driving back tomorrow. Will double mask to get gas. I wanted DH and S to also leave and have ne stay with mom, but they want to stay as weather nicer here to be on deck or able to walk outdoors SOcially distanced with masks.

There is a small part of me that thinks if we get omicron along with triple vaxes we will be good for the rest of winter and not fearful

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An infectious disease dr we know is thrilled that his entire vaxxed and boosted family tested positive early this week. A few days of sniffles and it was over and he feels that they are much more protected for the future.

I have these thoughts as well but a H in same house with serious underlying lung condition means that could be bad news.

My cousin that was hosting the dinner tonight had thoughts of going to my niece’s home to try and expose her family to the almost 3 year old that tested positive. Cousin has a 10 and 12 year old, both vaxxed. I don’t think this is like when people would expose their kids to another with chicken pox to get it over with, not that I agreed with that either!

One member of the extended family tested positive today (fast test, PCR result delayed), 2 others are concerned and will test in the morning, another 2 won’t be coming over tomorrow because they’re scheduled to travel overseas early next week. I was worried late last week, got tested, and it came back negative (just a cold).

I have no idea who will be coming over for Christmas. It may be the 5 of us, it may be as many as 11. Definitely not the 17 we planned for. Oh, well. The tenderloin can be frozen for later.


Oh yeah. They did not deliberately expose themselves. They were pretty careful. But now that it’s happened and no one is very sick it’s like “ yay”.

I’m concerned for people who are just rapid testing once and accepting the negative result. If you’re symptomatic- even mild cold symptoms - you may test negative today but positive 24-48 hours later . I’m concerned that they are spreading a potential positive


yes - this.Teen negative on a wednesday with pcr (school weekly testing) negative on saturday with Binex having bad head and body aches, positive with Binex on monday when still having headache and body aches.

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None of the tests, not even the PCR, are a certain “no” when they come back negative. There are plenty of reports of people who wind up in the ICU whose initial PCR while symptomatic was negative! They are however, even the rapid, a definite “yes” when they come back positive, or must be treated as such. Unless of course you have a major campaign rally, Rose Garden reception, and head-to-head debate with an old man to go to. Then yes doesn’t mean yes, it means probably not, so go right ahead.

I think that the rapids are useful for healthy people to do right before a family gathering, to try to catch asymptomatic infections. But for sick people to do them, the only possible value is to let close contacts know if you’re positive, so that they can take precautions. If it’s negative and you have symptoms, it does NOT mean you don’t have Covid.

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People don’t go to the party unless they test in our area, and most people have a small bunch of tests on hand. It is not optional. Had some pushback from the FIL today, but he can stay home if he doesn’t want to take an easy, rapid test to keep everyone safe and help stop the spread.

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I read that the airlines are already lobbying the CDC to get THEIR quarantine period lowered, like the HCWs.

I knew that was going to happen. Who will be next?

I’d still like to know the chance for long covid with even just “a few days of sniffles.”

The chance of serious illness with Omicron is still increased with age and medical conditions. There are SO MANY Americans who are over 25 BMI, to say nothing of the other medical conditions. Yet I know people and even read of some here who appear to ignore these warnings…


Kid in our carpool tested positive with two rapids at the weekly school surveillance testing. PCR test same day and a second one the next day both came back negative. So I do think there is such a thing as false positive rapid test, however rare that may be.

We are in the opposite camp–gaining extras for what I thought was going to be a quiet, low-key Christmas because some folks had the dinners they were going to canceled over others being sick.

As long as everyone left tests negative today, of course.

We luckily stockpiled after TG, so we have enough to go around.

Exactly. Chances of long covid go down with vaccination, but they are not zero. It may take a while before we have long covid data for Omicron.

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I know that there was an article posted somewhere that said long Covid chances were 50%. This is not at all what I’m seeing in real life. I know upwards of 50 people who have had Covid ( 1 death, late 80’s, already headed toward hospice) and of those not a single one has long Covid.

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What are you going to do? Have folks do these tests in your driveway and sit in their cars until the results are done? What will you do with those who test positive….send them home with a doggy bag?

I realize it’s important to try to know if folks have Covid. We don’t have that luxury here as no home tests are available at all at local places…and delivery is at least a few days out.

There was a recent preprint paper that found that long COVID was 4.5 times less likely in breakthrough infections than in unvaccinated infections (38% of the latter). Of course, that is in addition to the lower risk of breakthrough infections than unvaccinated infections.