D21 journey

Mmmm…looks like one priority has changed from “sorority life” to “lively social life”. I think it’s going to be BC.


We assume that traveling home from Boston is easy, and that might be why BC was scheduled last (or at least considered as a reason).

Is it possible that Lehigh was scheduled first so that they understand what it would be like to travel between Chicago and Lehigh? I think it’s easier to get to Lehigh than to Colgate.

I think the drive from Lehigh to Colgate is about the same as from Colgate to Boston…?

Oh my gosh. Overthinking! It didn’t make sense to fly to Colgate first when it’s in the middle of Lehigh and BC. This was a very last minute switch to go this week and the cheapest way to do it was into Philly and out of Boston. We saw Lehigh, drove straight north to Colgate and straight East to Boston. That order just made sense for travel.


Good catch!

We (or at least I) am digging into every possibility LOL!! But yes, when I looked deeper into the locations of these schools, what you did makes sense and we would have done the same.


I just can’t see it being BC in the end. This student has explicitly said that she doesn’t want a religious environment. While BC is not overbearingly religious, it is without a doubt Catholic. :woman_shrugging: Plus, it’s larger than her DD originally wanted, and I am guessing that the relationships with professors won’t be as strong as they would be at the other schools on the list. Who knows though?

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I’ve enjoyed following too!

I am voting BC for many reasons.

But one is Bowdoin where HD’s son goes is only a 2.5hr drive. Could make Parents Weekend, travel arrangements, emergencies, etc. easier.

Probably still digesting the visits, but how much longer until the big reveal? (omg this could have been a reality tv show)

So much due diligence is now done. Trust yourselves. They are all wonderful options and I’d be asking her where she feels most at home. My only caution would be that no matter what school it is or how well-chosen, no college experience goes perfectly according to plan, and that once she gets there, the student be ready to roll with whatever comes, make it her own (as I’m sure she will).


I agree that she didn’t want a Catholic environment but I am guessing the friends (with whom she toured) told her it wasn’t a big deal.

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@homerdog Are you going to send up smoke signals in the school colors to announce a decision to the world? :rofl:


Colgate, because it has an excellent track record managing covid, and that just trumps everything these days. (I don’t know anything about dance).


HD said rankings don’t matter so it’s not BC. I’m guessing one of these three visits boosted it to the top. I assume Colgate has a dance program. Harder to reach but will go with that. A neighbor plays lax there.

This should be stickied at the top of all of the main forums!


I have seen this play out so many times. It’s never a big deal until a student gets there, and then the school is actually Catholic (maybe subtle, but there are definitely Catholic elements). Plus, BC doesn’t check many of the other boxes - no Greek life, bigger than the other schools, less interaction with professors, all students do not have the ability to live on campus all 4 years (while DD can, her friends may not), not a LAC but a university/college, and it’s cold. I would be very surprised if BC is the final choice as it’s felt like an outlier to me since the beginning. Wake Forest felt the most similar to me, but that came off the list after DD’s visit. But who knows? Only time will tell!

I predict those smoke signals will be brown and white for Lehigh. It’s been said earlier that the kids will know where they fit when they see it. For my Daughter 9yrs ago it was Lehigh over 2nd choice Richmond (can’t speak to BC or Colgate). Mid sized, great academics, very social and a beautiful campus click some of the boxes discussed here. Not to mention the incredible library and the ‘Goose’ sandwich shop lol.


Having a current student set to graduate from BC and as the sister of 2 alums, I can without question tell you the “Catholic” element is incredibly important to and intricately woven into the fabric of that school, appropriately & as it should be.

It may be “no big deal” to some nor is one’s faith or lack there of a prerequisite but it is THE differentiating feature of this institution, no denying it. It is visible and present in everything from the community building retreats to relevant themes found in courses in their core curriculum. This is a community that is open to all but if an applicant has issue with this, it simply may not be a good fit. To get the most out of their experience, the “traditions” the school values and implements should at least be embraced/respected and not put off by because like all other choices out there, it is not for everyone. Oh and our D did not come home for Easter :frowning:


@darladog I’ll bet you $20 it’s not Lehigh.

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^^^OMG!! We’re now betting $!!!


I only accept Bitcoin. :joy:


My prediction is Boston College.