D21 journey

Is someone able to set up one of those polls so we can all vote?!

Which school will Homerdog’s D21 choose?
  • Boston College
  • Colgate
  • Davidson
  • University of Denver
  • Furman
  • Lehigh
  • Loyola Marymount
  • University of Richmond
  • Santa Clara

0 voters


Sorry everyone, I did a quick edit on the title and everyone’s votes in the poll were lost…so please vote again! (I’m an idiot first time poll builder!)


I have never heard of any of those schools till this thread accept BC. I looked at each school and no doubt Richmond looks like it ticks most of the boxes. And the campus is drop dead gorgeous. But I think it will be Colgate. Really can’t go wrong with anyone of them…


My heart is absolutely set on having her attend BC; a selfish choice perhaps, but in the long run it will be for the best. I feel sure of it. Please let her know. Still, I voted for Colgate. I’m no dummy.


Gosh, it’s really time for all of us to get vaccinated and be able to leave the house! :joy:


This is a hoot

I’m going to let the voting continue today and then I’ll spill the beans on one more of the schools that have been eliminated.

Just as a reminder, the schools left are (in no order!) UR, Lehigh, Colgate and BC


Are you saying that we have to wait until tomorrow? Ugh LOL!!

I just changed my vote. I am going back to the school that I recommended from Day 1. It’s not a front runner, but I will risk it.

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I think Lehigh is eliminated. Anyone want to second this?

I could update earlier than tomorrow I guess but you all will be waiting a little while for the final decision since it hasn’t been made yet!


Do you think your D has decided, and just hasn’t told anyone?

I go back and forth with Lehigh. Part of me thinks it’s eliminated, while part of me thinks it has slowly inched its way up. I voted for Lehigh, but if it’s eliminated I plan to switch my vote back to Colgate. Not really sure if that’s allowed?

With such excellent, beautiful schools, I think the final call will come down to a gut feeling. My D21 learned that I didn’t trust her “feelings” so she would come up with a bunch of reasons to keep schools on the list or cross them out. The reasons were all practical and true, but ultimately, she made the decision with her intuition.

It’s hard to guess which campus feels the most right to HD’s D . . . I voted for Richmond because I’m from VA and I love the campus/area. But my track record here isn’t good because I liked Davidson best! BC would be my second choice due to D19’s very happy friend who goes there. She isn’t Catholic, but she grew up Episcopalian and is comfortable with church tradition. For her, BC is the Goldilocks school in size, social life, and suburban location. Plus, she likes how loyal the alumni are, and could see herself living in the Boston area post-graduation. But the Jesuit aspect may be a deal breaker for HD’s D.

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Fun thread! I love all these schools.

  • all but one of my kids applied/accepted to BC
  • one is dating a UR alum
  • one had athletic scholarship offers from Colgate and Lehigh

Good luck to your daughter!

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I did not vote for BC for 3 reasons:

  1. I read here that some students may get 3 years of housing, and others get 4. How does that work if you have 4 years and your friends have 3?

  2. The religious aspect

  3. This student wants to join a sorority. Is it possible that she was suddenly talked out of it? Maybe she was during the visit while touring with friends, but once she left the campus and had time to think, my guess is that she realized she really wants a sorority.

I switched my vote to Lehigh in the event that she decided on a bigger school. I always saw it as a good fit (ugh, but I also see Colgate as a good fit LOL).

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In the end I believe it will come down to Colgate or UR, but because I can’t venture a guess between those two, I voted for my sentimental favorite - BC.


Many students opt to live off campus for junior year and then return for senior year. They then to junior year abroad (or semester). I knew an athlete who lived off campus for her junior year, did an internship in Boston the summer after (most housing contracts are for 12 months) and then moved back into the dorms. She was an athlete for her first 2 years but still had to follow the 3 years on/1 off rules and didn’t think it was a big deal at all.

what to do if your friends are all moving off campus? Move with them or stay - not a big deal. Not everyone lives with ALL their friends.


Ah OK thank you. And I forgot about study abroad!

I am so stressed about my vote! LOL

I feel like Colgate and Lehigh are off the list so it’s down to BC and UR. I think after digesting it all, she is going to pick UR!

Obviously, I don’t know homer’s D but her list of what is important to her/experience she is seeking, is identical to what my younger son wanted and his last 3 were BC, UR and Wake (sadly, eliminated - was my sentimental fave). In the end, he would have chosen Richmond over BC so that is my final answer!! Wow, I have given this way too much thought…

The dance situation has fallen off this thread. I know Homerdog said HD would be ok with a Dance Team however Richmond is in a different class when it come to real dance. So…weather, size, sororities and dance opportunities. Done! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: