D21 journey

I voted Lehigh but I think I should switch my vote to Richmond. I’m glad I don’t gamble!

I’m going with Richmond as well.

I certainly don’t want to sway any votes…lol. Wake Forest and UR have nice dance opportunities (ballet, performing companies etc). Wake is out so that leaves Richmond. Colgate would be third in regard to dance. However, this process is a process and priorities shift so who knows?

@homerdog did you record S19’s college search journey in the same way? It is so funny reading everyone’s comments sleuthing out where they think Homergirl will land!

I was all in on Richmond, but what if @homerdog’s D has arachnophobia?! :crazy_face::spider:


Anyone considering Greek life should take Lehigh off her list. Their fraternities have been out of control for years, repeatedly warned, disciplined, and suspended. Unfortunately the alumni have not been a force for reform, but have pressured the administration to keep the frats regardless of their behavior. It is not a healthy environment and seems to be deeply embedded in the campus culture. It is particularly problematic for the young women who attend Lehigh.


I didn’t vote because I tend to be a poor judge of how others view vibe, such a personal thing, and I think that’s what the decision will come down to. Another sentimental lean to BC, in part because I know it well. For checking boxes, it covers school spirit, career services with large alumni network, social, clubs. A lot of energy. Obviously doesn’t check greek box. 3 vs 4 yr housing is a nonissue. Don’t know how homerdaughter would view the vibe, though the varieties of students attending go well beyond the stereotype - it feels smaller than it actually is, so this isn’t always obvious.

Without going back and reading posts, UR might have elicited the most joy? Don’t feel like we have any info on Colgate.

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There are several well known schools that had issues with Greek life. Neither of my kids had any interest in attending schools where Greek life was big, so I am not one to really comment.

When we toured I called Richmond the BC of the south, they had similar feels to me so I think either is possible. I think Lehigh is out. Didn’t visit Colgate so I can’t make a final call. Exciting!

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BC also has dance.


I voted “other.” :wink:

Colgate has a relatively new student-run AGL group (Abolish Greek Life) that seems to be gaining some traction. While changing the social structure takes some time, and likely won’t occur within the next couple of years, it certainly is sparking some debate. Colgate wants to be more diverse - both racially and socioeconomically - as evidenced by the no-loan initiative and questions about diversity and inclusion as part of the application. Depending on how this progresses, rushing a sorority may look very different by the time homerdaughter could begin the process as a sophomore, if she picks Colgate.


I think she does cheering at football games or whatever other dance opportunities there are and chooses Colgate. We visited both UR and Colgate with our older S, and the Colgate’s campus is stunning, I thought the student body seemed somewhat more intellectual, they are known for a great alumni network (jobs!), and they have great Greek life. Given that her brother’s at a somewhat remote SLAC, I don’t think it’s remoteness will bother her. While it’s ranking is now 20 (it was 11 when my S looked), I think value for $ is a consideration, and I’ve seen it listed as one of the LAC worth every penny (I think there’s a focus on investment banking and other high-paying careers).

I think the Greek life won’t die down soon. I read the alumni aren’t in favor of abolishing and the school relies on donations. Plus, it’s so entrenched in their culture and the main source of socialization there, as compared to places that are less remote,providing access to other things.

No idea. Lol. I think we are all still digesting a bit. This last trip was a whirlwind and now she’s back in school full time so it’s kind of a crazy week.


Double posted

Do you have a personal experience with this? I have a student at Lehigh now. He’s not in a frat and has not had any issues with creating a social life, nor has he seen the frats as being particularly problematic. He says they are quite active, and has attended a few events put on by them. He is on a sports team and not interested in joining a frat. He has actually appreciated the easy access to downtown Bethlehem from campus. It’s easy to walk to some pretty neat restaurants and shopping. There is a sizable portion of the student body who don’t join yet manage to have a great social life (theatre, music, arts, etc) outside of the traditional party scene. Another benefit is location. So many of you see Lehigh as isolated. I don’t feel that way at all. It’s pretty easy to make a day trip to NYC or Philadelphia from Bethlehem. You can even get to Baltimore or DC without much difficulty. My kid has made these trips. Much easier than from Colgate.

Flying has been easy too. He flies from the airport in Allentown to connecting flights in Philly or Newark. Booking is simple, and the airport is about 10 minutes from campus. We are in the northeast so he flies into Boston or Manchester, NH.

I also know a young woman who is a senior now. She’s in a sorority and has had a great (other than covid) experience.

I have relatives who have gone to Colgate and Richmond. So I know at least those two and Lehigh quite well. In addition I’ve known local kids who have gone to BC and been very happy. In my opinion homerdog’s daughter has four excellent choices. All are great schools.


Well, I’m feeling like I can let one more go on here and explain why.

Lehigh is no longer a contender.

I will say this - if she didn’t have choices we felt fit better, Lehigh would be a great choice for her and it definitely made sense for it to be on the list. We had dinner in Bethlehem and the area was super cute. Had some great sushi. Met the next morning with a student who was introduced to us by a friend of mine and she was terrific - super friendly, a good ambassador for her school and clearly is having a good experience. We thought the campus was really pretty and the hill (it’s not a mountain!) was kind of cool and not a deterrent at all.

I talked to some friends out east who I trust and know D a little bit. They unanimously thought BC would be a better fit if she wanted a mid-sized school. As most of you have mentioned, it is easier for us to get to BC and we are way more familiar with it and know it’s positives and negatives because we know students there. This drop of Lehigh is really more a choice of BC in that size category than a drop of Lehigh. I’ll probably be suggesting Lehigh to anyone I know here who wants to head east to a mid-sized, social, non-Jesuit university. That’s the other part of the equation - we just don’t have anyone from our high school go there so it seems a bit random to D. I think we had one student in the last three years attend and he is a recruited athlete.

So there you go. Down to three. Might be a little while for another update. We have until May 3, right? Lol.


Sure! Which little piggy didn’t make it to market? My final 3 from a couple of weeks ago are still in play. I think they’ll make the cut to her final 3. :crossed_fingers:
Not that there’s a bad option in the group.


Ahh, so I did lose a final 3 choice.

I think 1 year from now, she’ll be happy no matter which school she ends up choosing.