D21 journey

Not a personal experience with Lehigh frats, but I’ve talked with a young woman who transferred out because of Greek life and I’ve read the newspaper articles.


I also know more than a handful of Lehigh students (including females) who are very happy there, both Greek and not.


Well I think I (and others) predicted that bc would make lehigh fall (see my post 1912). And then there were three!


My final answer is Colgate.


I’m guessing that BC won’t be the choice, but your comment about friends who think BC might be a better fit than Lehigh got me thinking.

BC has dozens (60) of students from the Chicago area on campus. Lehigh & Richmond about one dozen. Colgate has about 30. Not saying this should be a deciding factor. Just saying that when you’re far from home it’s nice to bump into someone who’s familiar with some of the same things you are and maybe shares a plane ride back home. It’s worked that way for my DD who’s far from home at Rice.


I’m glad for them. We each have our own take. I was just sharing mine, and I was in a frat when I was in college.

You had me at “great sushi.”

Thank goodness, you/she didn’t eliminate Lehigh based on the adjective “mountainous.”


Actually, depending on the level of support and strength of the group, AGL can gain traction very quickly. The greek system at Northwestern changed dramatically, virtually overnight. this summer.

I know of a sorority at another school that had 35 of 47 members unaffiliate in less than one day last year. Most of them were new and took it down from the inside. The chapter is struggling to find a way to rebuild.

The real question is, did she buy any swag from any of the remaining three schools?!


Nope. No swag.


This is better than March Madness!
fwiw - I’m going with Gonzaga tonight!
and last night had Stanford


Great point, this thread can keep us engaged after March Madness!!

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I’ve been lurking here for a couple of weeks. My vote all along has been Richmond – best overall fit.

Regarding the Forbes ranking – I think their ranking is trash, as it relies so heavily on outcomes, and outcomes are largely self-selected and made more useless by differences in cost of living. Rant over. hehe

You go to school to learn, not for a fashion show! Someone I don’t know once said that!

But yeah, Richmond.

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Now TeamHomerDog is establishing a bandwagon. :grinning:

I am still team BC!

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Down to 3! Colgate will be next to fall - it will lose out in comparison to Richmond.

In the end, she will be a Spider!


I am changing my final answer to Richmond. It has everything she wants, including warmer weather and easy travel.

Give me time- I am sure I will change my mind…


One thing we all know for sure, she has some fantastic options. Given the craziness of this application year, she is fortunate to have been accepted to several schools that appear to be a great fit for her. She is in a great position, even though now is the tough part of figuring out where she most sees herself, if there is not one clear frontrunner out of the three.


No. I didn’t do a thread like this for S19.