D21 journey

As a warm weather person, I’d like to point out that I find the Colgate gym, that also houses the dance classes, has a sauna. Not bad for a school in the North East. It really helps deal with cold winters! Sadly, the natatorium does not have a spa area, but you can’t have everything.

BC pool has a 17 person spa, but I can’t seem to find out whether they have a sauna.

@homerdog You’ve inspired me to consider doing a similar post re: my ds22’s journey. He’s a totally different kid than my ds20, so I think we could benefit from the input on CC as we move forward with a more complicated profile.


We are all here ready to help and look forward to making a thread of this type an annual tradition! :blush:


Do it. My son is younger but I will also do one for him when the time comes. My daughter has some overlap schools with homerdog’s daughter so I have really appreciated all of her write ups.


I think I might.


@CTCape please do. You’ve mentioned a bit of DS22’s background on my thread and if my experience on CC taught me anything it’s that there are a lot of families like ours that would like to see how a more complicated situation evolves. I’ll be rooting for you!


Wow! I lost. My bet was UR.

You were very supportive of UR on that school’s CC board when I wrote about disliking our visit. Personally, I was very happy when my daughter eliminated it.

She has since narrowed her choice to W&L, Davidson, and Wake. She was waitlisted at Swat but has come to realize it is not her place.

Can not wait to hear of your daughter’s decision!


You’re right. I was really hoping that I could find enough reasons to like UR for D. After your post, I dug in deep joining the parent FB page and spoke to five parents with kids at UR. Their messages were pretty consistent and D just has other options with fewer social red flags.

Good luck to your D!


Have you seen the S21 thread on the Parent Forum? It is a good one, too. I really like the threads that go through an individual experience. S21--not an easy path, happy to get some input at this stage


Good luck to yours. I am hanging in here for the final reveal!

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We’ve come to the end of the thread.

D is going to Colgate.

In the end, the smaller LAC campus with a walkable town, school spirit, small class sizes and lots of opportunities for extracurricular involvement made it the best choice for her. I think she felt comfortable there even though we only had about 24 hours on/near campus. She mentioned more than once that the campus felt like Bowdoin’s, which she always said she liked. We’ve done our due diligence on the social scene, talking to multiple students and parents.

Not sure who voted for Colgate early on but you guys called it!


Congratulations! I hope that she loves it. What a wonderful journey it has been.



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Yay! Congrats! (I voted for Colgate, btw)


Congrats and welcome to NY!


Congrats to homerdaughter!

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Congratulations, and welcome to the end of this journey! I’m sure the next 4 will be wonderful!

Congratulations! Thank you for taking us on your D’s journey. I’m sure she’ll have an amazing 4 years at 'Gate!

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Congratulations! Fun thread, I enjoyed the analysis along the way. It sounds like she selected Colgate for some really good reasons. Thank you for sharing the journey.

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Congratulations! Would love to hear more about your visits, particularly BC.

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