D21 journey

Congratulations! Wishing her a wonderful 4 yrs at Colgate. Thank you for allowing us to go on your journey.


Congratulations! It sounds like a great choice and I hope your D has a wonderful four years!

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Yeah! I hope your D loves it. It was a well executed and balanced process and I’m impressed with your resourcefulness!


Yea !! She made a great choice :+1: A wonderful, talented, athletic and all-around great guy from our HS just selected Colgate as well. So if HE is any indication of the type of person in attendance, they will be in brilliant company :sunglasses:

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Oh, I am so happy for her!!! What a great choice! Thank you SO much for sharing this journey with us. Hoping your daughter has a fantastic four years at Colgate!!!



Our visit to BC was good. (Remember we did a tour and info session back in Feb 2020 and D thought it was fine.) Her instincts told her the campus felt a little tight with not as much green space as she would like (both on campus and surrounding it) but of course we know it’s a great school and we know happy kids there.

This time, we walked the campus with her two friends who are sophomores. She knows these girls well and it was nice to catch up. Campus was quiet but all campuses we’ve seen this spring were quiet. I think it really just came down to what fits D best.

We did learn a few new things. We drove out to the Newton campus to really see how far it is from main campus. It felt far even in the car (it’s two miles) and that was not a selling point for a student who really wanted the full-on residential experience where everyone is together. Having to pack up each day for whole day to go to class, eat lunch, study, hit the gym or go to extracurriculars seemed not ideal. Kids on Newton tend to not go back and forth during the day. Also, BC has fifteen distribution requirements which seemed like a lot and two were theology and two were philosophy and I don’t know that that would have been the best use of four classes for D. Her friends do not go to church but have friends who do. Religion is noticeable on campus even though you can choose not to participate and, with 70% of the kids identifying as Catholic, it seemed maybe that was too much. Lastly, we liked that D could take some business classes there but found out that only kids in the business school can use the “business career center” so I had to wonder if it’s those kids that get the interviews for the most coveted jobs. At a LAC, there aren’t business majors so there’s no divide and all kids are in the same boat. If they want to interview for a marketing job at some company, the Colgate kids aren’t lumped into some “non-business major” category and can’t get that interview. I’ve heard that complaint at Wake too - that these midsized schools with business majors have career centers focused more on those kids than the liberal arts majors.

Of course BC has a ton going for it. D can only go to one school!


I missed it. I never thought Colgate was going to be the choice unless something I considered and dismissed was a larger factor than I thought. I have to admit my jaw was dropped by this announcement.

But Colgate is a great school, so it’s a great decision!!!

Congratulations! :partying_face: :clap: :man_dancing: :white_check_mark:


Congratulations!!! Thank you so much for being so open and sharing your family’s journey with us, I’ve learned alot!


I’ve enjoyed “being a part of” both of your kids’ journeys. You have amazed me each time - you really have helped both cut through noise and figure out what THEY really wanted. Well done!


What an enjoyable thread and journey! Congratulations to homerdaughter on finding her college home! Go 'Gate! :partying_face:


Congratulations! Thank you for sharing the journey. Cheers to you all! :clinking_glasses:


Congratulations to you and your daughter. Thanks for sharing your journey on CC.


Congrats! Well thought out process. I feel like I know your daughter and I think she will be very happy at Colgate! I have 2 kids who went/go to 2 incredible schools that were/are a great fit for each. Wouldn’t change a thing there. But I think if I had 3 more kids, would love to see one at Colgate (one at Davidson, one at Bowdoin)!
All the best to your D!

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Congratulations! Go 'Gate!

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Congratulations! Even though I chose BC in the pool, I always felt, that although close, it was not quite the right fit based on what you have shared. My oldest felt the same way about BC, so I get it. Again, thanks for sharing your D’s story! I believe many will benefit from gaining insight into your approach. Wishing Homerdaughter all the best at Colgate!


It was really great of you to share this journey. I’ve loved seeing how your daughter’s priorities shifted as she went through the search (e.g. she ended up at the coldest school on the list! And one of the smallest!) My S21 is likely going to end up at the very first school he visited, LOL, so this was fun following a winding path.


Congratulations! Colgate is a great choice. Also for your daughter making her decision early. My 2 kept weighing their options until late April.

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When Colgate’s webcams return to full operation they’ll be interesting to view from time to time. Even now, you can view the village of Hamilton:

Best of luck to your daughter!!

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We have a winner! :partying_face: I’ve never been to Hamilton, but that part of NY is beautiful, and Colgate looks like the quintessential LAC.

My guesses were all wrong—first Davidson, then Richmond, and then BC :smile:. We don’t know anyone at Colgate, but now that it’s on my radar, I’m curious. Here’s hoping S24 will love college visits as much as I do!

@homerdog I hope you’ll update the thread when your D is a freshman. It would be great to get a glimpse of her living the happy ending. Many thanks for sharing the journey!