D21 journey

I forgot about May AP tests. This student can take the June 6th SAT if necessary. Results are released on July 15. I am not sure how this will play out if she decides to ED to Wake Forest in June, but she can decide on that down the road.

@sushiritto right. Her high school has an in-school mandatory SAT in mid-April so I think I would just have her do the March test and the April test. No May.

@roycroftmom yeah I know about multiple test taking data. But she’s kind of been studying by section. She studied all sections for the first test but a lot of that studying was done in the summer and not much right before the test. Then, for this second test, she didn’t review any reading since she was sitting on a 32 from the first test. She really focused on English and went up seven points. She did do some math but not much. It’s just so hard with her homework and ECs to find much time and we knew she could always superscore. She’s at the point now where maybe if she just really focuses on just math and science before the Feb test, she could see some jumps there especially if she sees a tutor for the first time. She’s obviously not a natural test taker. MC tests at school are also her nemesis.

I think it’s worth one last big push on ACT math and science. And maybe her English or Reading scores will inch up as well. Nothing to lose there since she can use her current 32 and 33 for superscore.

I’m secretly crossing my fingers that this practice SAT goes very well this weekend just to give her a boost of confidence and show her that she has another option if the Feb ACT doesn’t work out.

Depending on finals, June may not be a great idea either. Trust me, I’ve gone thru and I am going thru the same machinations. :smile:

My HS junior took the August 2019 test and will be taking the March 2020 test. After that, if we need another one, I’m not sure what’s a good date other than August again. Or next October.

Schools in our area are in session practically until July. I always forget that things wind down much earlier in other parts of the country.

@sushiritto I agree. Spring standardized testing is just bad timing. I think she be fine taking a break after an April in-school SAT and waiting until after finals for more testing if she needs it.

Congrats on the very nice score increase. A 29 is in range for lots of schools on her list. My 2 cents would be take the Feb ACT and sign up for the March SAT. Springtime testing can be tricky with finals, AP tests and end of year stuff. There’s subject tests too but I think you said she wouldn’t be taking those. And the July/Aug test dates are great if you need one last try. Kids are more relaxed in the summer and scores back in plenty of time for EA or ED.
And what ever happened with the Earth Science final - any resolution?

@wisteria100 ha no “resolution” on the earth science final. She’ll get a B+. Should be her only B this semester. It’s ok. As in AP Lang and APUSH and precalc and French 4 honors.

I’d look at the AP testing schedule, maybe your D doesn’t have one until the 2nd week of testing. If she’s taking AB/BC, Lang, USH and/or Chem, then that’s all 1st week of AP testing. If none or one of them, then maybe the May SAT could work?

I think, if your daughter has not had any tutoring, there’s a good chance that targeted assistance will increase her score on the science section significantly.

@twogirls our last day of school is before Memorial Day.

Are you still seeking some merit aid as you mentioned in the original post?

@roycroftmom merit would be great at some of the safer schools on the current list like Elon or Denison. Not expecting merit at any school where it’s highly competitive. There’s a slight chance she would apply for Richmond Scholars via the dance department but that would require dance videos, more essays, and another rec I believe. And it would be a long shot as they only give one dancer the Richmond Scholars designation. If she can’t get to at least a 32, I don’t know if it would be worth applying for that. We will cross that bridge when we come to it.

It appears Elon only gave merit to those with 34+ ACT scores this year, per that thread. You may wish to check on Denison.

@roycroftmom good to know. Thank you. At least Elon’s full price is less than some other private universities. I can check in with our GC about Denison. I think she could get merit at Miami of OH.

Also merit isn’t mandatory and I was under the impression that, for the schools on her current list, admission and merit is determined holistically and not just by test scores. I think her recs and essays will be strong. I honestly do not think I’m naive about how they can make a difference. We know a student who just got into Northwestern ED with a 30 ACT and a 3.75 unweighted gpa but she had a very coherent “story” and I think that and her essays and recs made the difference. We know her very well. She’s not a legacy. Not a recruited athlete. And not a URM. Everyone seemed stunned she got in but I think her application was strong all around and her story is very similar to D’s.

Last year, I saw a lot of kids with high stats not getting merit and kids with lower stats getting merit on CC so I don’t think it’s always about a score. It’s about how much they want the student.

I just peeked at the Elon thread. One student got merit with a 32. One got merit with a 1400 which is a 31 ACT. Some much higher stat students got deferred. Seems 31/32 is the sweet spot for acceptance and merit…and least this year. And it looks like they might defer kids who they perceive as using Elon as a safety.

FWIW, D20 had similar scores her first two ACT attempts. She only managed a 28 and 29. Science and and math were the weak spots. After working with a private tutor, she increased her score to a 32, 33 SS. The tutor identified her strengths and weaknesses, and tailored his approach with that in mind. I wouldn’t underestimate the benefits of one-on-one tutoring.

I should probably add: D20 took the SAT and hated it. She was willing to stick with the ACT, and work on the math and science portions. Your situation might be different if your D doesn’t mind the SAT format.

Regarding SAT test dates, if she is interested in any colleges that want SAT subject tests, consider using the June SAT date for SAT subject tests associated with courses that she is completing this year.

I’m going to guess that your D will continue to improve on the ACT with focused tutoring and practice . It is the more "teachable " of the two tests, in part because speed matters (and practice makes one faster.) I am going to guess that the SAT math will be a challenge for her.

Someone recommended Vassar (which is a fabulous school. ) I don’t think your D will like it. Not quite "mainstream " enough. Ditto Macalester.