D21 journey

@Mwfan1921 do kids apply and/or get into Tulane from your high school?

Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut is trying to change from its hardcore preppy laxbro party image. Although campus is safe, nearby is a bit sketchy.

Conn College has solid dance & drama programs–like Skidmore College–but the male female ratio is very lopsided = 37% male / 63% female although the Coast Guard Academy is nearby.

@Publisher - Have you visited Furman recently or know students there? My impressions were different from what you are describing. Of course D and I were only there for a day, there were many things to like and it did not seem anywhere near as conservative as it’s past reputation. I’m sure there are many religious students there but the ones we talked to did not mention that when talking about what they liked about the school or the atmosphere. We also noticed flyers on bulletin boards that were LGBT friendly. While I think some of the other schools on @homerdog’s D’s list will likely be a better fit, I still think Furman is still worth checking out.

If you look at Colgate and Hamilton, I’d thrown Union into the mix as well. Bard is nearby too and has great dance but is culturally SO different from the rest of her list. But then again, we’ve known a number of kids who were choosing between Bates and Bard (presumably because they share parts of their vibe, not because they are near each other on an alphabetical list!)

I hear you about not wanting to make the list longer, but when it’s not hugely difficult to just look, it can be worth it. We encountered some really fabulous surprises that way. (And lost some previous contenders. )

If you are not from the South, I would not base an opinion on Furman on a one day visit.

College guides & college websites populated by current students may be helpful. I know what I know, but another may want the type of environment offered by Furman. Way too strict, judgmental & high schoolish for any student whom I know. Although it is a beautiful campus with attractive students.

Try the Fiske Guide To Colleges for an opinion from a well regarded expert.

Social sciences (e.g. political science, psychology) typically need some knowledge and skill with statistics, although obviously not as much as a statistics major.

@ucbalumnus absolutely. I agree with that! She will definitely take some stats or computer science classes to flesh out a social science degree. We want her to go somewhere where the career center is helpful in this regard and can help guide her.

Although in a remote location, St. Lawrence University in very upstate New York may be worth investigating for merit scholarships, beautiful campus, arts & lots of study abroad options with less partying than Denison.

Nearest cities are Montreal, Quebec, Canada & Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Yes, it’s been popular for a number of years…probably between 10-15 go per year (1,000/class), not sure how many apply. I can look up the numbers and get back to you!

I think it’s popularity is due to: party school perception, warm weather and/or merit aid for those who can’t afford/would rather not pay their EFCs. (although merit aid is on the decline, being subbed out for more need-based aid per Tulane communications/new strategy)

Isn’t Pepperdine heavier in the religious requirements, with attendance to 14 convocation events (appear to be religious service type of events) required per semester, versus Furman requiring attending an average of 4 cultural life events per semester?

I just went to Niche. 28 pages of comments re: Furman University.

Anyone can write a review on Niche including students & admissions officers. You will just have to judge for yourself which are genuine & which are not.

Furman frats ordered to get rid of houses by Fall, 2020 according to a recent posting. This will have a substantial impact on the social life.

Yes, Pepperdine has more requirements. Nevertheless, my comments stand.

P.S. Just noticed something interesting about Furman University in US News Best Colleges. Good first year retention rate of 91%, but the worst six year graduation rate (just 80%) of all top 50 National LACs. Very similiar to Pepperdine’s performance as a National University–although Pepperdine’s graduation rate (83%) is better, but also tied for the worst among the top 50 universities in its category (National Universities).

If you want Southern & conservative (relative to other non-religious colleges & universities), then Davidson College and Wash & Lee should be target schools.

William and Mary has a reputation in the state as being a “suicide” school - in that they have a high number of attempted suicides and that everyone is very competitive over their grades. I don’t know how accurate those stereotypes are any longer but they have been out there for years and years. When we visited, my D20 was mostly turned off by the fact they do not have air conditioning in the freshman dorms (and with Virginia’s heat and humidity - that is a valid concern). Beautiful campus though and definitely one to look at. University of Richmond is a great school and glad to see it is on the list.

Another aspect where Pepperdine does not appear to be “more accepting, more liberal” than Furman:



Have you ever been to Furman ?

Do you know Furman students & graduates ?

Maybe I should not have used the term “liberal” with respect to either school. Probably “worldly” would have been more appropriate.

Pepperdine does not approve of gay lifestyles. Neither does Furman regardless of what their official policies state.

Again, visit & decide for yourself. Tough to do in a day or two, but could be a very expensive gamble if not familiar with the school’s culture.

There is an old College Confidential thread from 2010 titled “Religion at Furman”.

Just read & absorb how folks communicate about religion on that thread.

Note that Furman is located in an attractive small city–Greenville, South Carolina–which is home to Bob Jones University & many evangelical churches.

I am a person of faith, but for those who are not, or are not comfortable around evangelical Christian practices, then this school may not be the most suitable for you.

Religion is important in the South and very important in Greenville, South Carolina & throughout the state. And religion has a strong presence on this campus. Whether that is a positive, negative or non-factor depends upon the individual.

You might want to consider some of the LACs in the northwest—Whitman and Willamette come to mind as potential fits with possible merit, Lewis and Clark and Reed might be worth a look (although Reed perhaps a bit quirky for her). I assume Santa Clara made the list due to location? Pretty strong Jesuit culture there, which is very chill but you mentioned some reticence about religious influences.

You have a great list of schools - many of our faves!

Richmond, Wake and BC were the final 3 for our younger son. He ultimately chose Wake and LOVED it! Truth be told, we loved it too. To us, it is the perfect hybrid of an LAC and major research university with the added benefit of D1 sports, which our son was wanting in a school. A special place for sure. Coincidentally, his college GF ( sadly, he recently ended the relationship) was a Presidential Scholar for dance and I know that she had an awesome experience in the dance program.

He was also was admitted to Tulane but he just wasn’t “feeling” it when we visited. Many kids from our area go there though and we are close friends with a couple Tulane “families”. He also applied (was accepted) to Elon which he added only because it was easy to visit when we went to Wake. It’s quite popular here (DC suburbs) for kid’s who want to head south but I don’t think it is on the same level as the others academically.

I noticed several posters have suggested Vandy - S1 is an alum and had a great experience there also. Many cross applicants with Wake, BC, etc. Although, in recent years, admission there has become (even more) hyper competitive.

If you have any specific questions, feel free to PM me - Good luck!

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@politeperson Santa Clara is on the list but barely. Ticks certain boxes - good size, good weather, we know kids there having a good experience, and it’s a safety for her.

As I think I may have mentioned, finding safeties is an issue since she does not want a big school and also does not want to go somewhere where kids from her high school go who are less competitive applicants. So that means no Miami of OH, no Iowa/IU/Colorado Boulder, no Butler/Dayton, etc.

And Santa Clara has EA which is nice. Honestly, I don’t know if she will end up applying. Time will tell. Those LACs in the northwest are too hard to get to and really don’t fit with who she is. I can’t see someone who likes Wake liking Willamette.