D21 journey

First time poster here. As I have a DD21 with some overlapping interests to Homerdog’s D I have been intently following this journey. I will be posting my own journey in the next month or so … am waiting on Feb ACT test and results before posting. My D is interested in pursuing PoliSci, History, Law, and/or Psych and is looking for a large LAC or small university. Our overlap schools are:
Wake Forest
Boston College

Thus far, we have visited both Richmond and Furman and both remain on D’s short list. Both have beautiful campuses with easy proximity to a sizable city. Furman was not in session the day we visited; but we did attend the info session and did a self-guided tour. Students on both campuses seem happy and the winter weather was sunny and in the 60s. Furman’s core campus seemed to be better laid out. Richmond’s campus seemed to be a bit sleepier but the city of Richmond had more to offer than Greenville.

Good luck! Lots of options.

Thanks everyone for the list suggestions. We are sticking with the list as I last posted it…at least for now. Once scores are in, the list could change. After the NC/VA trip, we will also know more.

Thanks @homerdog. Yes, we had a lovely (self-guided) tour of campus and came away very impressed, though my daughter had love-eyes for Colby after our visit and lacrosse clinic so she might not have been paying attention.

FYI I have a D at LMU and would rank it low on school spirit. It’s a fuzzy concept but, for example, it does not have a football team. To me, “school spirit” is throngs of kids in school gear heading to the weekend football or basketball game. My D couldn’t love LMU more and doesn’t care much about school spirit, although she has been to a couple of basketball games, but this was not a disappointment to her. Since you’re looking more into LMU, there ya go! Greek is non residential.

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@Temperantia Did you D interview at Wake?

BC has some fairly antiquated catholic policies. Had a colleague who worked in the counseling department at health center and rules were strict, to the point of absurdity in this day and age, about what they could tell kids.

@homerdog My information may be somewhat dated, but I graduated from USD and it does not have “big school spirit”. Nice school, especially for business majors. Beautiful campus. Lots of wealth there. When I was in school, I had friends from all over the country: Colorado, New Mexico, Nebraska, Texas, Illinois (Chicago), Arizona, Virginia and Vermont. Also a good number from California from mostly pricey private Catholic schools, as I recall. (I was a public school student on Presidential scholarship, the highest merit at the time, as well as Pell grant). My best friend from HS went to LMU and I visited there a number of times. My impression back then was LMU was more diverse in its student body, and I believe that is still the case. I don’t believe USD has any decent dance programs, or none that peaked my D20’s interest. LMU has a great dance program. My D20 was a preprofessional ballet dancer through her 9th grade year, so we looked around for schools that might give her decent opportunities to dance as a non-major.

I just looked at the admitted class profile for 2023, and Emory states roughly 23 percent are from the Northeast, 27 percent are from the Southeast, 16 percent are international and the rest are from other parts of the country. Do you know where to find the enrolled student profile?

@amsunshine helpful on those CA schools. Thanks! I admit that, after maybe the first four or five schools on the tentative list, she will be giving up something - big school spirit, non-denominational, dance, size, location. Most kids out there probably have to compromise on something. We are starting with a list that matches as best as possible and we will go from there.

Reminder me of what the appeal of W&L is again?

@socaldad2002 I just wanted her to see another LAC on this trip to compare to Davidson. Also, I kind of like how W&L is somewhat preprofessional but based in the liberal arts. We have a friend whose son is there and they have a daughter at Bowdoin. Their son is having a very good experience at W&L and he’s not super conservative. Not sure how likely it would be to end up on the final list.

Ok, maybe I have a different and distorted picture of your D but I see her at a college of 5K+ with lots of options for clubs, dance ECs, possible greek, with moderate/left political leanings, and would welcome a diverse campus.

When I think of W&L, I think very small, mostly conservative, rich, and white. Might be a great college for some but I didn’t think that is what she is looking for? But again I could be totally off here…

Wash & Lee is a somewhat of a love it or hate it school. Definitely not for everyone, but with a 96% retention rate, it certainly works for some. (96% retention rate is outstanding–same as Bowdoin & Haverford Colleges.)

Although not overlap schools with respect to applications, I view Wash & Lee as the East Coast version of SMU. SMU, however, is a more diverse than is W&L.(W&L overlaps include of mix of liberal & moderate leaning schools. Williams, Amherst, Middlebury, Carleton, Davidson, Virginia, UNC, & Wm. & Mary.)

Wash & Lee may have the highest or second highest Greek participation rate in the country as at least 75% of males & 75% of females pledge.

My impression is that Wake Forest University is between SMU & W&L with respect to diversity & with respect to Greek participation / membership.

A note on the BC 3 year housing guarantee – it’s a bit different as students are required to live off campus junior year.

Also, app numbers for this year were released in the school paper today: 5000 fewer apps overall, but a 37% increase in regular decision apps.


@mom1720 hm? Now there’s only housing for first and second years on campus?

First year, second year, and seniors on-campus. Juniors off at BC. Not all seniors choose to move back – maybe 10% or so stay off. Also, a select few get 4 years of housing – nursing students, Presidential scholars, varsity athletes, and some other top performing students (used to be honors, but that doesn’t exist any more).

Well, @socaldad2002 white and wealthy pretty much describes a lot of her schools, especially her tentative two top - Wake and Richmond. W&L same size as Davidson which she really liked. I think I just mentioned a few comments ago that socioeconomic diversity isn’t really a priority for her even though I, of course, see positives to a diverse campus. Geographical diversity more important to her.

Not sure where I’m describing her incorrectly. Cute, smart, fun, outgoing, mainstream student who wants balance. Not quirky. Not social justice warrior. Still deciding if small LACs are too small. Needs to see more of them. I’m a big fan of LACs and I think, if she found the right one, she’d be sold but I won’t push if she’s sure she wants a little bigger. We have never visited a school considered midsized except W&M and she didn’t love it. Otherwise, she’s only seen big (Wisconsin) and small (Bowdoin, Davidson, Colby).

OP: You have a valuable resource regarding LACs & smallness = your son. Once he finishes his first year at Bowdoin, he should be able to give some helpful insight.

Most of the schools discussed in this thread are schools identified by the New York Times in a 2017 article as schools where the wealthiest “Top 1%” attend.