D21 journey

@TS0104 I agree with your test score rule but she may not get a test score. ED is still in play if we can get her out to some of these schools this fall. Thinking that might help. I was optimistic that schools would have tours (without info sessions or in-class visits) but I’m starting to think that might change with the way things are going with the virus.

I can see on our Naviance where she fits for weighted and unweighted GPA and she’s in the green for all schools on the list. Vanderbilt is the reachiest one but she’s still in the range for kids getting accepted just on the lower end. At that point, though, the differences in GPA are hundredths of a point.

I 2nd adding Villanova if she is focused on mid size now. If she liked BC she probably would like Villanova.

Did she maintain her 4.4 wgpa this semester? I do think that if she can narrow her list down to top 2 or 3 and throw in a ED application, it’s going to be her best bet. For example, if she loved Tulane, that would be a great college to do EDI (or EDII). With that said, I know it’s a difficult environment to go ED as you probably have not seen many of the colleges on her list.

Don’t know if 2021 is going to be like 2020, but we know tons of kids that got off waitlists in May and June from top 25 colleges this year. Being full pay might help more than ever this coming year. Also, applications to colleges went down for the first time in the 2019/2020 cycle, should be a trend again this year.

@socaldad2002 Yes. Her weighted went up to 4.5 after last semester. 3.8 unweighted which should be squeezing her into top 10%.

She’s spending a lot of time on vitual tours and student panels. If we travel to schools, I feel like the only thing she will get out of it is walking the campus and seeing it in person. She will better understand how big the campuses are, etc. Seems like a lot of money to spend to do that but I think it’s kind of a big deal to walk campus. There were schools we thought S19 would like but then, after getting there, he just didn’t. We’d also get to see the surrounding areas which would be good. These schools are all over the place and don’t make for one cohesive trip so we’d have to have her prioritize and only see schools in the fall she thinks she might like best.

Has she limited size of campus yet? Since we are in the same basic area… I took my kids to Northwestern, University of Chicago and UIUC just to see what different size campuses feel like. They already knew DePaul Lincoln Park campus. I think that helped in the beginning to get a feel. Each kid wanted their own thing. We just walked around and had lunch. Did the walking/lecture tours when they became important

@knowstuff My H and I went to NU. She’s been there. Likes the size. For a multitude of reasons, I don’t think it’s the best fit. We went to Madison. It was a gorgeous day and the campus showed well. I loved it! She hated it. Way too big. She’s been to U of C when she was younger. I used to take the kids there to go to the museums. She would say it was too urban. Wants a defined campus with a town she can walk to if possible.

She really liked the LACs we saw. She saw Davidson, Colby, and Bowdoin. Loves the physical size of those colleges and the intimacy of the classes but thinks they might lack the rah rah aspect of college and that the social life might be just too small for her.

I agree that getting on a campus in person is important. I remember D20 and I toured my alma mater, UC Davis, during winter break and we were very underwhelmed about the campus (I had not been back since I graduated in 1992). Having toured the gorgeous campuses of U. of Washington, Duke, Tulane, and even USC; Davis felt more industrial and plain vanilla and didn’t resonate with D even though she still submitted an app as a somewhat safety school.

So the point is, if you can get to the campus some way, it will be invaluable in the decision making process.

Thx. Figured as much since your local. Also hard to view NW when the lake is right there. Such a beautiful campus. But like 20 minutes away from home so no go for us.

I know a campus with a lot of Rah, Rah and very walkable with the town like surrounding you. I swear central campus is just not that big. Even my daughter who went to 2 lacs 1300, 1800 students didn’t think it felt big. Also lots of dance in many flavors. Lol- Go Blue!

@Knowsstuff I think it would make sense for her to apply to Michigan. I don’t know anyone there who doesn’t like it. I’ll have her talk to some of the kids she knows there and find out what it would be like to live there and be some sort of liberal arts major. As far as I can recall, everyone I know there is a business or engineering major.

Elon (already nixed as no local town or neighborhood?)
St Louis U
Santa Clara (too west?)

@homerdog. LSA undeclared is probably the most common major… Lol…

I can put you in touch with another poster who’s daughter is there for stem… Think like math major possible premed. I can pm it to you if you would like.

We all feel it’s a big school with a small school feel. Seriously, very family like feel and once your a student they bend over backwards to help you out if you show any interests. And yes, as you know some of my posts, my son talks to his professors 1:1 all the time. Just called /emailed him two days ago with another opportunity for him. OK, I’m off my soap box now.

UT Austin? Plan II is a small liberal arts program and lots of school spirit and Austin is a great city.

I think she would like a lot about it but it’s 90% Texans. Think that’s a deal breaker for her.

@Knowsstuff Yes! I’d love the CC name of a poster who has a math major. :slight_smile:

Just pm’d it to you.

Same for S21! Too big too at around 41K undergrads.

And Michigan still requiring a test. How can schools do that? Her superscored ACT not high enough for OOS admittance from our high school anyway. Looks like 34 is the sweet spot for that according to Naviance. For SAT, no one under a 1410 has a chance and the acceptances don’t really pile up until 1490. Michigan’s website says they will reevaluate the TO plan later but only if tests don’t happen. We will keep an eye on it. It’s not a safe bet at all but it is an EA with decision before the Jan 1 RD deadline for other schools.

And I’ll talk to some people who know what life on campus looks like…

@homerdog. Here is the page with changes due to Covaid https://admissions.umich.edu/app changes. I would call and ask. Didn’t even think about it.

Yes 34 is a great sweet spot for lots of schools. 3.9 unweighted with 32-35 Act is avg for LSA

Also they don’t superscore but will “look” at the highs on both tests so send them all in. No disadvantage to it.

Don’t count yourself out. The essays do count now more then ever. OOS is tough anyway. If everything else on her app looks good the act is just one factor. Grades and rigor usually count more.

Consider Tufts University.
Member of NESCAC
5700± undergrads
Self contained campus overlooking Boston skyline.

A lot of Texans are transplants that moved here within the last 10-15 yrs and since TX is huge there is no worried that most of the kids will know each other.

My neighbor just graduated from UT plan II and he didn’t know anyone from his HS in the program.