D21 journey

@homerdog The biggest sports at DU are hockey, lacrosse and gymnastics. They are VERY good at all 3 of those sports and they are super fun to go watch.

@kanfly On the virtual tour, the guides talked about hockey and made it sound like a total blast! Kids camp out to get golden tickets and the first 100 get free tickets and the best seats. I could totally see D getting into that!

Right now I think DU will be moving into first place. Ft Collins area has had a fire burning since July and it is not controlled and won’t be until it snows. Boulder County has two new fires that started this weekend and they are pretty much out of control too. I have friends evacuating Left Hand Canyon. We’re burning up.

The sports at DU are very fun. The field house has 2 ice rinks, (basketball and hockey convert the main arena), pool (coldest pool I’ve ever been in), the volleyball gym, gymnastics performance gym and a separate practice gym, and the lax, soccer, and tennis courts fields right outside. Lots going on. But no football and hasn’t been for years and years.

Of course there is the ski team that is very successful but not many go to watch.

Flurry of activity over here in the last few days. Got all EA apps out as well as Boston College, Davidson, Denison RD. Had to send a snapshot of official grades so far this semester to Richmond. All As in the bag so far, so she was glad to send that off. They ask for final trimester grades but we are on semesters and won’t have final semester grades until January so the next best thing they want is an interim report of where grades stand now. She’s half way through the semester, so I think it’s a good indication of where her final semester grades will be. She’s taking four APs and the rest honors so rocking her classes seems important and I hope she keeps it up.

She’ll likely get almost all other apps out this week (Colgate, Wake, Vanderbilt). They are complete and just need a final proofread. Just have Lehigh essays to write as it was on the bubble for a while but she had a meeting with the AO and she now thinks it’s a really good fit for her. I’ve always thought it was a good option but worried about travelling there. She said she asked about that and she was cool with the AO’s answer and thinks it’s no big deal. Considering that her big brother flies from here through Baltimore to Portland to go back and forth to school, she’s not really concerned about the travel.

Once apps are in, she will have a few extra essays to write. Davidson added a new merit scholarship and that essay popped up on her portal after she set her app. I think there might be essays for LMU and SCU honors programs that show up too.

Crazy to think she will get answers to LMU, SCU, and Denver by mid-Dec. Richmond will come by Jan 25th. If she has success with these (and especially Richmond) then I think the pressure is off and we can see how March goes.


Ah yes that’s the beauty of that EA crunch…you might just have one “in the bag”, or at least know if you need to widen the net! December really does not seem that far away, and it really does taking the pressure off if you get at least one acceptance!

Fantastic progress! It sounds as if her final list fits her so well (in terms of what you’ve described from the beginning of the journey). FWIW, back in the 80s, even going to Lehigh from relatively close Boston meant my sister took a flight to Newark (maybe occasionally to Philly?) and then a bus back to Lehigh’s campus from there, and it didn’t phase her in the least - I think she often had a friend with her on the bus and just considered the whole thing part of the college deal. Hope your D gets good news in January to take some of the pressure off March!

Just a quick note on travel to Lehigh-- I know SWA is your first choice airline, but if you ever have concerns, United (I know there’s a love/hate relationship there for many) has nonstops (2-3/day) between ORD and Allentown.

I grew up near Lehigh. Philly is a shorter drive than Newark but it is probably worth the extra cost to fly to ABE. Visiting Old Bethlehem is fun. I also like to go to the Moravian Book Store. The music festivals have grown and there are clubs with live music, week, if they survive.

Hi @homerdog Great progress.

Two updates. Boston College vs Notre Dame football game tomorrow. 330 et ABC. At Alumni Stadium. So some good looks at the campus etc. Notre dame just beat Clemson in football so not sure how the game will be in the end BC is fairly good this year too and have a pretty young team.

Also they have done a really good job. Students and administration with a fully on campus experience this semester. Communication and behavior has been excellent. Not ideal of course but it’s been much better than my friends with students at home.

I have feeling you are going to have many great options. And fall is looking more promising for everyone.

@homerdog I’m late to this thread and it sounds like your D has a great list. My D20 is at SCU and loves it. She sounds a bit like your D in that she is strong academically but also wants a balanced and fun college experience. She is more humanities focused than STEM focused and is an English major. It’s early days, but so far she is thriving both a academically and socially. We are on the west coast so that makes it easier but she is meeting kids from around the country. Good luck!

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“I am familiar with Boulder, Denver, and Colorado Springs, and have been to Fort Collins on several occasions. In my opinion, the ranking of the Colorado cities is correct.”

I’m may not be as familiar with Colorado as you, but I do have some familiarity with it. You have to really like the outdoors to enjoy the state, it’s not a diverse state and the food options are not going to compare favorably with places like SF, Seattle, NYC, San Diego, New Orleans, among others. People in CO told me a couple things on my visits there, one, is that Denver is not the real Colorado, two, people like to brag about how strenuous their hikes were that day!

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SCU is all remote, no? So, is your D at home? Any news on next semester? Glad she’s having a good experience!

Gosh I hope fall is more promising. I swing from pessimistic to optimistic about a dozen times per day. S19 has three good friends at BC and actually visited one of them a few weekends back. He had never been on campus and thought it was great. Thinks D21 would really fit there. D21 knows S19’s friends as well and will definitely be badgering them with questions if she gets in!

@homerdog yes, classes were virtual for Fall quarter and dorms weren’t open, so D lived off campus. The plan (which could change) is to open the dorms in January (everyone will have singles and there are restrictions in place). Most classes will be virtual but they are trying to increase the number of hybrid options. D was saying that in talking to her HS friends, it’s been a mixed bag in terms of their college experience and she feels like she has settled in quickly, made friends and is doing really well academically. When she was making a final decision, everyone she spoke to said they loved it and so far, it seems like a great fit.

The map is Clinton, but the photos that came up are of NY City. Google wasn’t so friendly (n)

Oh, that’s too funny.

Any updates on the journey? I inquiring minds want to know (only if you care to share… Don’t feel like you have to)… Been kinda quite around here…

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Just doing a lot of waiting! SCU, LMU and Denver should give decisions in the next ten days.

D finally finished up her Wake Forest Pres Scholarship app. Had all parts done and recommendation sent but then her dance studio closed and she was a close contact of a friend who has Covid so she couldn’t get to the studio to record her audition. Finally finished that up and got it out. One essay left to write - Lehigh. They have three and she’s done two. App not due until 1/1.

School going well enough. Keeping her grades up. Just two more weeks left and then break!


@Homerdog it looks like your D and my S have some list overlap. We are also waiting on EA and might get at least two next week. It’s hard to wait! Just wanted to say good luck.

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you too!!

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