D21 journey

Thank you for the updates. Very interesting thread. Betting on Davidson College.

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It really is great to get a sense of a campus; must be so hard for the seniors that can’t visit.

I will say that Richmond still feels cozy after almost a year. I find the lake area to be so relaxing–recently asked my son and he said that is still true for him also. The tables in THC overlooking the lake are the best.

When we visited Davidson, my son thought the students looked totally stressed out and he eliminated it on the spot. It’s so funny how different schools feel to different people.

Great choices, good luck with final decisions!

For us treating this like a game of Clue, it was very telling when OP said “posting details until we hear about RD decisions.” That tells me the most desired are Vandy and Davidson. I think Richmond probably beats WFU.

The big unknowns are SCU and LMU. Without actual tours, it’s hard to determine how much the pull of Cali weather/scene/vibe will affect the final decision. Vandy probably trumps all, but could SCU beat Davidson?


And fun for me to see people guessing about what D is thinking!


My wager is…

  1. Vandy
  2. Richmond

I’m waiting for someone to organize a betting pool :wink: But seriously, I’m so glad you were able to take the trip.


There’s way too much good weather out here in CA for @TeamHomerDog. :smiley:

It’s either Richmond, Davidson, Wake with Vandy as the “darkhorse.” I’d go with Wake as #1, if admitted.

It’s my “lock of the week.” Bet on Wake.


Aahhhh CA weather. Have to agree there. The Richmond student we took to lunch has a cousin at SCU and said he’s having the best experience ever!

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A slight detour, but my D18 at Michigan is complaining that Gonzaga plays no one in their league and that their undefeated record is all fluff.

I mentioned all the teams in their league, including SCU, and my D18 said “I live xx minutes away from SCU and I didn’t know they had a basketball team.” :joy:


I’m a little surprised (and disappointed) by your lack of commentary since you detailed the positive and negative reactions of every other school you researched or visited, but I get it, 100%! After my D visited the school she fell in love with, I couldn’t bring myself to name the school here on CC until the decision was out, for fear of jinxing it, (and I’m not usually superstitious). Guess we’ll all have to wait with baited breath for a few more weeks!

I’m kind of betting on Richmond, though (I agree, that campus is gorgeous) since your D possibly got a closer glimpse of campus culture for It, and she wanted to go back for a closer look.


Agree - I thought the “go back and look” comment about Richmond was a clue too :slight_smile:

Happy for the suspense for someone else’s kid - my own, not so much !


Isn’t that the truth! After awhile I wanted the rollercoaster ride of highs and lows to just stop.

However, the time flying, driving, eating, listening, and conversing with one kid at a time and visiting campuses each selected is pure magic that can’t be repeated quite ever again after the last kid is gone.


Glad you had a good trip! Look forward to hearing what she thinks once she has all the decisions. Of the schools from this visit, I feel like Wake and Richmond are better fits based on the many posts. Sorry you couldn’t see more students out at Wake. Will you be able to visit Vandy, etc. if she gets in?

Yes. We will likely visit most if not all the RD schools she is accepted to. We have to see how the chips fall.

My risk-averse side says Vanderbilt or Davidson, but my c’mon-you-only-live-once-don’t-follow-the-crowd side says, Middlebury (the pull of NESCAC is strong).

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Wow. The guesses are all over the board! Lol!

I’ll also throw this out there. She’s eliminated all but five schools at this point. In total, she applied to 13 so we are getting there!


You are a master of suspense! Thanks again for being so generous and good-natured. I’m excited to see where your D lands.

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So now we need to see the list of 13 schools so that we can speculate as to which 5 remain.

P.S. I would search the thread for the list, but the new CC system is extremely slow on my computer (i.e. by the time I found the list, your daughter would be narrowing her list of graduate schools slow).


Maybe post #184? Not sure it’s the most up to date.
